Nightmares Come to Life.

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Simon's POV
I looked for my phone in my pockets realizing their not there... Oh yeah! I asked Y/N to keep it in her bag a few minutes ago. I went to go ask her for it outside and heard her conversation.
"Hey Y/N! We have looked at your résumé and are glad to inform you, that you got the job!" Her friend Nicki, who works at the same job said happily. I smiled, I was happy for her... I mean this is what she came here for, wasn't it?
"Great! Um, may I ask when do I start?"
"We need you to get here in about 3 weeks, we'll need time to set up your office"
"Wonderfu- wait, what do you mean by get here?"
"About that...Were currently working in Australia right now and... in order to work for have to be here..." Nicki said silently. My smile immediately turned into a frown, my heart just dropped. She's leaving?

"Australia?! Nicki, what the hell?! I didn't fucking know this!" She shouted. "Nicki! This was the reason I came here!" She continued.
I swear I heard her whisper "sorta... Its last 9 months! 9 MONTHS!". What does she mean? What other reason was there? What was she not telling me?
"I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier, I needed you to be close to someone who could care for you. Y/N, I'm tired of the bullshit they're giving you in America."

What? What went on there? What the fuck happened? She never told me this... I don't think she even told anyone else...

"You telling me the stories of Josh and us watching his videos made me think that he would be there for you, unlike those crappy friends and shitty parents... I needed you to be happy just for once" Nicki continued.

Was she dealing with depression? What kind of situation would lead to your friends and family to turn on you? What did she do that it was that bad?

"Please tell me you told Josh..."
"I..." She hesitated and sighed.
"Y/N? Why haven't you told him?!"
"Wait, wait, hold on. There's this one guy, Vikk. He found out and was very willing to help me, Nicki he's feels just like a brother to me. He's the only one who knows..."

God dammit, Vikk...

" Okay, Okay. Well talk about this next time. So are you taking the job or what?"

My heart stopped, nervousness filled my body...

"Of course I'll take it."

My heart broke. I felt every bone in body ache just because of simple words...

Your POV
"It will give me a chance to escape this madness here. I fucking hate him, he's so annoying... Hah, and he actually thought I still love him. He's so dumb" I said referring to Brian
"Congratulations!" Nicki said.

Then the phone call soon ended...

Simons POV
I was shocked by all she said. How could she do this?
She hung up and I stepped towards her...
"Simon! You scared me! What are you doing out here?"
"I heard your conversation..."
"Oh! I got the job!" She smiled, threw her hands up in the air and stepped towards me, I stepped back and looked at her. Her smile faded and she put her hands down and stopped.
"Babe, what's wrong?"
"Don't call me that..."
"Wh- What's going on?"
"Your leaving for a job in Australia for 9 months, and had no problem saying yes!" I screamed
"S-Simon please stop shouting... Your scaring me..." She backed up.
"How could you say that about all of us?! We're your friends!"
"What are you talking about?"
"How could you keep a secret from me?! And just tell Vikk?! You don't even want to tell your own boyfriend!"
She started crying
"I didn't want to lose you guys, I love you so much..." She stepped forward to try to hug me, but I backed up
"No! No you don't you said so on the phone!"
"Simon I-"
"Its like you didn't even care, yeah sure! I'll take a 9 month job happily to escape the ONLY PEOPLE WHO CARE ABOUT ME!"
She got tired of being quiet.
"You know how much this means to me! You know how much I wanted this! Why can't you be happy for me?!"
" Why did you have to play with my heart?! You didn't even love me?!"
"Simon, I can explai-"
"I can't believe you!"
"Let me explain!"
"I though you actually loved me!"
"So youre just leaving me?!"
"How could you call me that?! I made sure you were happy!"
"You don't know what I've been through! You won't even let me talk! Just let me explain!"
"You know what?! I don't care!"

I can't believe I did this...

"Were over!" I shouted and turned around walking to my car.

I just died inside. How could this happen? I thought she actually loved me...

I got in my car and slammed the door. I drove off with tears rolling down my cheeks and painful aches crushing my heart.

I thought she really loved me.

I pulled up in the parking lot.
This is how I solve my problems. The only way to get rid of this heart ache... Alcohol.

I thought staring at the sign of a bar. Wiping the tears and just walking in.

Starting Over v.2// a miniminter FFWhere stories live. Discover now