Forgetting Something?

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Simon's POV
What could it possibly be? What did I forget?

I walked to the car with the rest of the boys, looking at the ground trying to figure what it is.

"You okay buddy?". Vikk looked at me
"Yeah." I smiled
"I know, we'll miss her too..." He patted my back
"Its not that but.... I can't help feel that I've forgotten something..."
"What is it?" Josh asked
"I don't know... That's what I'm trying to figure out..."
JJ looked back and grinned and started teasing me
"Awww, Simons gonna be lonely! No more Y/N to *making kissing sounds*"
We laughed
"Shut up." I chuckled
"At least your not like those guys who forgets to kiss their girlfriend goodbye."


That was it! My head shot up.That's what I was forgetting.

I can't 9 months to kiss her again.

I dashed back into the airport hoping to catch her before she gets on the plane.

Vikk's POV
"S- Simon! Where are you going?!" JJ shouted
"I forgot something!" He shouted back.
"Oooiii... He forgot to kiss her goodbye..." Harry said
"Oh god. Vikk get your camera out. We need to record this. Let's go." JJ said as he ran off.
We soon followed JJ

Simon's POV
I feel like I've ran a fucking marathon.

There it is gate 7.

I looked around for her.

That bright blue bag. It's her.

I ran towards her.

Your POV
What was it?! What did I forget? Its bugging me.

All I could think of was Simon.

That's it! The kiss.

I forgot to kiss him goodbye. Oh my god, I'm a bad girlfriend.

I looked at my watch, its too late. 2 minutes til' I board. I can't make it to him in time.

"Y/N!" I heard a voice.


I turned around, to have a pair of lips connected to mine.

It was Simon.

He put his hands on my waist and I put my hands around his neck.

Then we parted.

"I forgot to kiss you goodbye." We both said at the same time and laughed.

"I'll miss you..." We said at the same time again.
"I ran through whole airport in 3 minutes just to kiss you again." He smiled.
"Your the best boyfriend ever." I smiled back

We kissed again and hugged for the last time.

It lasted for a while...
"Bye, Babe" I muffled into his chest
"See you soon, Baby" he hugged me tighter.

Then the rest of the boys were screaming "ooooooohhhhh!" Behind us. Vikk pointed the camera at us.

"Oi! Piss off!" Simon shouted jokingly.

One last peck on the lips and I was walking to the plane.

I looked back.

9 months without these lads... Boy that's gonna be boring.

JJ waddled and ran a few meters and waved "Bye baby!" He said in his sassy mother's voice. I laughed.

They waved goodbye. I gave them one last smile and waved goodbye.

I gave the woman my ticket and was soon on the plane.

Simon's POV
"Knew it you were the right guy for my sister." Josh patted my back.
I chuckled.
"What you did back there was amazing. Running through the whole airport just for her. Glad you're with her, mate" he continued
"Thanks, Joshua" I grinned and started laughing
"Aye! No one calls me Joshua except Freya!" He pointed at me and shouted jokingly
"Okay, Okay..." I said looking at the ground.
" ...Joshua " I said, looked up at him quickly and started running.

The rest of the boys followed. When we got to the parking lot, I felt something hit me. It was a snow ball.

The boys laughed.
Josh started cracking up a bit too hard, his face was red and he was on the ground

He stood up.

"Call me Joshua again, I dare you said" shaking his hips and talking in a sassy voice.

"Come on, Josh.. Were not kids..." He threw another one at me.

"Really? Throwing another one won't make me th-" he threw another one.

"That's it." I said

"Oh shit!" Josh ran back as I threw one and hit him.

Then we had a snowball fight until security told us to stop.

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