Saving Myself

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I managed to get back upstairs and in Simon's arms, without waking him up.

And I finally convinced Vikk to go sleep.

I finally fell asleep. And no nightmares, just the thought of Brian's threats in my head.

*Next Day*

I woke up, it was now 9 am. Simon was still asleep, I got up and kissed his forehead. I went downstairs. No one else was up.

Then my phone was vibrating. Oh no! Its Brian again...

I looked at my phone to see my friend, Nicki's name. Thank god.

"Hey, Nicki!"
"Hey! I've been talking with the boss lately and I think you've got this job in the bag..."

Something sparked....

....An idea

"Nicki! That's it!"
"What's it?"
"Thanks for calling, but I gotta go!"
I immediately hung up the phone. I turned around to see a confused Vikk.

"What happened?" I jumped and hugged him.

He got pushed back but managed to keep standing. He hugged me back
"I don't know what's going on..."
I pulled back and put my hands on his shoulders
"Vikk, I have an idea to escape Brian and still be with you guys!" I smiled
He had a big smile and hugged me again.
"That's great!"
"Maybe its not over, brother"
"I'm glad its not, sis"

We stopped hugging.
"Okay, I better get to Simon while I'm still happy."
"At least tell me the plan later."
"Sure." I smiled

I went into Simon's room.
I hugged him.
"I love you..." I squeezed him
"Love you too..."


I knocked on his door and stuck my head in.
"I'm here!"
"Good! Come in and tell me the plan!"
I came in and sat next to him on his bed.

"I'n gonna tell him that I need a few weeks to earn money, that will give me time to report this to the police"
"I'm just glad your not leaving." He smiled then hugged me.
"Thanks for everything Vikk"
"Anything for my sister..."

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