Chapter-39 [Love]

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This nervousness was worse than any kind of exam, interview, first date, literally anything! I never knew my stomach could hold this many flutters at once.

No matter how thin the sheet of my patience had been, I never let the twitchiness travel as deep as I felt it right now. I had become the epitome of agitation.

Maintaining a calming smile, like the butterflies weren't feeding on my insides, felt as hard as mixing oil with water. Yet, I managed to stay still.

But who knew for how long this facade picture of placidity would work?

Everyone seemed engrossed in their own things while I was left alone with a jumpy heart, which refused to listen to me.

Adjusting the collar of my shervani, I set a sigh free from my mouth. Darting my eyes towards my wrist watch I gazed at the clock minute hand which had apparently only moved two steps since the last hour.

Different types of flower petals along with some scented candles were floating over the pond, around the canopy I was in. There was a narrow, five steps runway over the pond to reach the Mandap, where I was asked to be seated.

The blood running through my veins had never pulsated like how it was tonight. There was a whirlpool of different emotions running high in my body.

It felt like someone was pricking a micro needle at every inch of my skin for it to heat up and tingle the way it was. I lost the count of glasses of water I had gulped down in the span of an hour but it was definitely concerning.

For as far as my eyes could see, there were flowers, different types of statues, fountains and glimmering lights adorning the whole place.

Fragranced cold mist was being thrown into the air to maintain a cool temperature.

Catchy and charming music echoed around the place, enough to force anyone to at least hum a little, but here, all I could hear was the fast rhythmic beating of my chest. So hard that it physically hurts.

On the other end of the runway were six stairs, lit up with oil lamps.

One had to climb those stairs down, walk the small runway to reach the mesmerizingly decorated Mandap.

These stairs and the runaway were common in all four directions of the canopy.

If the time was crawling while I was in my room then it had become a sloth now.

Every second stretched longer than a lifetime, and in each lifetime, I felt a string attempting to pull my drumming heart out of my chest.

I looked down and reached for a white rose from the pillar of the canopy. A smile formed on my lips as I stroked its soft petals.

Suddenly with a beat drop, the lyrical music changed into a soft classical melody. People cheered and hooted.

My heart stilled, maybe skipped a few beats too for I knew what was happening.

The flower fell from my hand, hitting the ground with no sound and in that exact moment I lifted my eyes lashes up and looked in front of me.

Oh my loving lord! Had the heavens fell down on the earth?

My lips parted in amusement, as I stood up. Time slowed down to the point that everything was moving in a slow motion for me. A magical haze soaked me in.

Something in me snapped as I gazed in the front. No, I couldn't see her at the moment since a dozen women hid her behind long 5 layered brass lamps but merely knowing that she was there;
Caused molten fire to pour over my heart and every spot which was ever frozen, softened.

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