"chapter 1- she's his anchor"

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y/n's pov

liam and i have been dating for the past 5 months. i thought everything was going great but, lately he has been skipping class and ditching me every time we make plans. i knew he was hiding something from me i just couldn't put my finger on exactly what it was. then i thought maybe he's cheating on me. so i decided i would follow him after school to see where he would go and tonight of all nights happened to be a full moon. stiles' car pulled up and liam got in and they drove away. i  followed them. the car arrived at the woods and they got out and they started to walk deeper into the woods. i crept behind trying my best to stay quiet. i accidentally stepped on a brach causing it to snap making liam and stiles turn their heads around. i quickly hid behind a tree so they wouldn't see me. they shrugged off the sound just assuming it was a squirrel and continued there walk into the forest. until they arrived at a big tree. i looked around and saw malia, kira, scott, and lydia all standing around. they greeted stiles and liam. i noticed lydia and scott where both holding gray metal chains in there hands. i watched them as they chained both liam to a tree. i was so confusing and bogus thoughts ran throughout my head. for example is this some kind of hazing ritual they do whenever they let someone new into their friend group. but then liam looked up and let out a ear bleeding howl as hair started to grow on his face and his finger nails started to lengthen. thats when stepped out and stared at liam in complete awe. he looked up and we made eye contact. "liam." i said quietly and confused.
"y/n you need to get out of here i don't want to hurt you." he growled pulling at the chains.
i took a step closer to him and then he growled and i jumped back. he kept pulling at the chains.

"liam think of something that makes you calm focus on your breathing." scott said to him slowly.

liam pulled one more time and the chains broke. i let out a scream as he jumped at me but suddenly his eyes turned from yellow to blue he was normal again. we both sat there for a moment staring at each other trying to catch our breathes. i wrapped my arms around liam and he whispered to me.

"i'd never hurt you." he said stroking my hair.

scott looked at stiles and nodding they were both thinking the same exact thing.
"she's his anchor."

______________________________ i hope you like it❤️

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