"chapter 44- she changed me"

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liams pov

the sound of crying filled the room. i never thought this day would come. i was sitting in a church at y/n's funeral. i was in shock. how could this be happening ? actually i'll tell you how it happened, theo.

he offered to give y/n a ride home and he crashed. y/n was killed on impact. i miss her. i miss her sweet smile. i miss the smell of her hair. i miss her voice. i miss everything about her. her family spoke, they told stories about
y/n and talked about how great of a person she was. her mom had asked me if i wanted to speak a couple of days in advance and i said yes. i was terrified and nervous. i walked to the front of the room and stood at the podium.

"hello, i'm liam dunbar." i said awkwardly. i looked down at the paper i had written, then crumbled it up and put it in my pocket i wanted to speak from my heart.

"y/n she changed me. she changed the way i walked and talked. she changed the way i looked at the world. the night, the moon, and every star. she changed the way my heart could feel. she showed me a love so deep. i never thought even existed. she's gone now but the love isn't. she changed me, when we met i was a kid with anger issues who didn't know who he was and now i know. she gave me a purpose and i promise i'll spend the rest of my life celebrating hers. because i love y/n and i always will."

i hope you like it❤️

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