"chapter 43- i cant die again"

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your pov

i laid on the table in the animal clinic as deaton tried to stop the blood from gushing out of my wound. i was hurt pretty bad. the beast sliced my stomach open and i wasn't healing. i felt the same feeling i felt when i died the first time. i felt the exhaustion. i felt like i wanted to go to sleep but i knew if i did i might never wake up. so i sat there trying to keep my eyes open. then liam ran into the clinic with scott. they saw me laying on the table with my shirt soaked in blood.

"okay i think i've stopped the bleeding for now y/n but since your a kamira i don't think your body is going to be to heal a wound this bad." deaton said.

"we can take you to the hospital." scott suggested.

"i already died there once remember." i said rolling my eyes.

"scott can you- can you bite me." i said stuttering as i felt a sharp pain in my side.

"y/n what if it kills you." he said concerned.

"scott please, please just do this for me i can't die again." i said pleading.

"okay." he said with a sigh.

then his eyes glowed red and he bit my arm. when he bit my arm he saved my life.

_______________________i hope you guys like it❤️

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i hope you guys like it❤️

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