"chapter 64- everything about you, i love"

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requested by @cookiedoughcalum

anna's pov
i took a deep breathe, wiping my sweaty palms on my jeans as i sat in liam's car. today was the day i was finally going to meet liam's parents. i had so many thoughts running through my head. what if they don't like me ? what if they make liam break up with me ? what if they make me break up with liam ?

"anna what's wrong." liam said snapping me out of my thoughts.

"wha-what nothing." i said trying to hide how i was really feeling. causing liam looked at me unsatisfied.

"what's wrong." liam repeated.

"what if your parents hate me." i breathed out which caused liam to chuckle.

"what's funny." i said crossing my arms.

"you thinking they won't like you, is what's funny." liam said laughing again.

"liam can you please be serious for one second. i just really want them to like me." i said letting out a sigh.

"anna i love you. i love your smile, the way you talk, the way you scrunch your nose when you get mad. everything about you, i love. & if the people who brought me into this world can't find it in their hearts to love you too well then they'll definitely being missing out." liam said.

i wrapped my arms around his neck and planted a kiss on his lips.

"i love you so much." i said with a smile.

i hope you liked it❤️

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