"chapter 5- that pain"

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you were laying on you bed scrolling through instagram and then you heard your window open. you jumped off your bed and grabbed a bat from your closet that stiles lent to you incase of emergencies. then you saw your boyfriend liam climb in and you let out a sigh of relief seeing it was only him and not an intruder.

"y/n what the hell." liam said shocked.

"what." you said back confused.

"why are you holding a bat?" he laughed.

"oh right." you said laughing and putting it back in the closet.

"so scotts gone right." liam whispered being cautious that the alpha may still be around and catch them.

"he left like ten minutes ago to meet stiles." you said.

liam let out a sigh of relief and sat on your bed. you sat beside him and played with his hair and he turned to you. your eyes met and your lips collided, you were now in a heated makeout session. he picked you up moving you onto his lap as you continued to kiss. you were both lost in eachother.

then your bed room door flew open

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then your bed room door flew open. it was your brother scott the one person you didn't want to see. you quickly hopped off liam's lap.

"what the hell are you guys doing." scott yelled.

"its pretty obvious what we're doing." you mumble under your breath.

"liam stay away from my little sister got it." he said sternly.

"got it." liam said nodding his head obeying the alpha.

"now get out!" scott screamed at him.

liam quickly got up and headed for the window. you got up and grabbed his arm trying to stop him.

"wait liam you don't have to leave." you said grabbing his hand.
scott gave you a dirty look and you dropped liam's hand.

"you should go." you said sadly and he climbed out the window.

you looked at scott with pure anger. you were so mad you could punch him in the face.

"what the hell is wrong with you." you screamed.
"he's the only person who cares about me and loves me, and pays attention to me." you said as a tear fell from your eye.

"you know i care about you and love you."he said putting his hand on your shoulder.

"i know but you spend all your time with your friends." you softly say.
he looked at you and hugged you.

"i'm sorry if i ruined things between you and liam i'm just afraid for you guys ." he said.

"afraid of what?" you said confused.

"that you'd have to go through what i went through. i don't want either of you to feel that pain. i didn't want you to have to watch someone you love die in your arms." he said wiping away a warm tear that fell from his eyes remembering what happened to allison.

"i'll be careful." you said placing you hand on his.

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