"chapter 46- the pictures part 2"

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y/n's pov

it was the next day after those pictures surfaced and the hype still hasn't died down. i don't get why people give a shit. worry about yourselves, my life shouldn't concern you unless your in it. i took a deep breathe and walked through the doors into school. i felt a million eyes on me, my goal was just to get to my locker without causing any attention or having people see me. but of course they saw me and everyone broke into a whisper.

"slut, prostitute, skank, whore."

is what i heard as i made it to my locker and as fast as i could. i tried to shove my binder and my math book into my book bag. i shut my locker and on the other side of were two girls.

"y/n your pictures were so artistic."

i ignored them and walked away without saying a word.

then i heard them say "whatever you rude slut."

and i continued to walk to my class. i just need to keep my cool and not go crazy on anyone and this will blow over.

lunch rolled around and i walked over to the lunch table and sat down. everyone was staring at me again and i was sick of it.

"what." i yelled at all of them.

"look y/n i know you think all of this is just going to blow over and maybe you think you can ignore this and maybe you can ignore this but we just want to know that your okay." scott said.

"i'm fine i'm just sick of everyone looking at me weird all the time." the bell rang and everyone got up from the table and headed to their classes.

i was walking down the hall and someone grabbed me. it was liam.

"i didn't send those pictures around y/n i swear." he said.

"liam i don't care just know i don't want anything to do with you ever again." i said starting to walk away but he grabbed my arm again.

"y/n i swear to you that i didn't. i hate this, this whole entire thing. i can't stand the thought of you going around hating me." he said softly.

"liam you think i don't hate this? i'm going through complete and utter hell right now so don't try to make this about you because it's not." i said angrily.

"y/n i just don't want to lose you." he said with tears in his eyes.

"you can't lose what you never had." i said pushing him out of the way and going to class.

" i said pushing him out of the way and going to class

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i hope you like it❤️

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