"chapter 63- until we meet again liam dunbar"

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y/ns pov

"i can't believe you're dragging me here." i said rolling my eyes as i followed my friend into the devenford prep lacrosse field.

"it'll be fun y/n chill out." she replied.

"it'll be fun for you, the only reason we're here is so you can hookup with that tadpole guy after the game." i hissed back.

"first of all his names brett talbot not tadpole and if you stop acting like such a buzz kill we could find you a guy too." y/f/n said smiling.

"whatever." i said walking towards the bleachers with y/f/n trailing behind.

we sat down and the game started. as expected i was bored out of my mind. lacrosse wasn't really my thing.

"hey y/f/n i'm gonna go get some food from the concession stand you want anything." i asked.

"twizzlers." she said with a smile.

"okay i'll be back." i said as i headed down the bleachers.

i began walking toward the concession stand and somehow got lost. i was walking around devenford prep in circles not knowing where to go and then i heard a voice and a bang. i walked towards the noise.

"hello." i yelled out.

"why do i mess everything up." an unknown voice said softly.

i walked towards the voice and saw a boy sitting on the ground in a devenford lacrosse jersey.

i walked towards the voice and saw a boy sitting on the ground in a devenford lacrosse jersey

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i stared at him, he looked upset.

"what are you looking at." he yelled at me causing me to take a step back.

"i-i was just looking for the concession stand i'm lost." i stuttered out.

"it's the other way." he stated.

"okay thanks." i said turning my feet about to walk away but then i stopped.

"why aren't you on the field." i asked.

"why are you prying into my life." he replied.

"i'm not i'm just wondering." i said which caused his face to soften.

"i screwed up and got kicked off the team so i thought if i came in my jersey and talked to the coach maybe he'd let me back on the field." he said looking at the ground.

"i'm guessing your plan didn't work." i said.

"nope, coach wouldn't even look at me." he said running his fingers through his hair.

"i'm sorry." i said walking towards him and planting myself next to him.

"why are you being like this." he asked confused.

"being like what." i questioned.

"so nice, i mean we just met." he said with a chuckle.

"i don't know you seem cool." i said looking at the ground.

"what's your name." he asked.


"i'm liam dunbar." he said

"nice to meet you liam." i said

"nice to meet you y/n." liam said

"can i get your number maybe we could continue this conversation." dunbar asked.

"uh yeah." i said with a smile typing it in his phone.

"well i gotta go." i said getting up from the ground.

"bye y/n." liam said.

"until we meet again liam dunbar." i said with a laugh walking away.

i hope you like it❤️

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