"chapter 35- threesome anyone"

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liam and you have been dating for the two years. hayden and you had spent the past year fighting over liam. you hated her with a passion. you hated how her breasts were bigger than yours. you hated how she could have any guy she wanted and you hated how she wanted liam. but little did you know hayden was also jealous of you too. she hated how guys would always check you out when you walked away. she hated that everyone wanted to either be you or sleep with you and she hated how you had liam.

your pov
i was thinking a lot over the weekend. why are me and hayden constantly fighting over liam when we could share him. so i walked into school and searched for hayden. i saw her standing at her locker taking her books out. i walked up to her.

"hey." i said awkwardly. hayden and i rarely spoke, we only talked when we were arguing.

"what." she said giving me the stink eye.

"can we talk." i said.

"about what." she said getting annoyed.

i grabbed her by her arm and dragged her into an empty class room and shutting the door.

"why did you drag me in here." she said angrily.

"okay we'll we've been fighting over liam for a while you know." i said.

"y/n just get to the point." she said.

"do you want to have a threesome with me and liam?" i said quickly.

"oh my god yes." she yelled enthusiastically.

"wait what." i said shocked at her enthusiasm.

"i've been wanting to ask you for months but i thought you wouldn't be up for it." she said.

"oh well come over after school and we'll do it." i said walking out of the classroom.

i hope you like it❤️

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