"chapter 59- the hardest thing i've ever done"

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scott's pov

it's been three months since liam and y/n broke up. she was heartbroken. i understood her pain. when your first love breaks your heart it changes you. at first y/n would stay home on friday nights, cry herself to sleep, and binge on ice cream. but then something changed, it was like someone flipped a switch inside of her. she started going to party's every day, fighting with our parents, and her grades plummeted. it was hard to see her like this. i've told her if she needs to talk she can talk to me but she doesn't want to talk to me or anybody. tonight the pack is coming over.

the pack arrived and we started discussing plans on how to stop the dread doctors and then the front door opened. it was y/n, who reeked of alcohol. she waved goodbye to whoever dropped her off and shut the door. everyone was looking at her wondering how such a sweet girl could turn into this.

"what are you guys looking at?" she hissed.

"you." i said softly and she rolled her eyes.
how could this happen to my little sister.

she was wearing a crop top, and probably the shortest skirt i've ever seen in my life.

"y/n i know your hurting but this is getting out of control." i said softly trying not to yell at her in front of everybody.

"oh scott shut up you don't know anything." she said and her face turned a bright shade of red as she clenched her fists in anger.

"hey you shouldn't talk to your brother like that and he's right y/n you're a mess." kira said and everyone nodded in agreement.

"and your all so perfect huh." she said with tears brimming her eyes.

i took a step towards her and reached out to touch her arm but she pulled it away.

"i hate you." she said as tears fell from her eyes and she darted up the stairs to her room.

i was about to follow her until someone put their hand on my shoulder stopping me. it was liam.

"let me talk to her." he said.

i nodded and liam headed up the stairs.

liams pov

i knocked on y/n's door.

"go away scott." she yelled from inside the room.

"it's not scott." i said and the door opened.

i walked into her room and shut the door.

"what do you want?" she said sniffling.

"can we talk?" i asked softly and she nodded.

"why are you acting like this?" i asked.

"you know why." she said rolling her eyes and crossing her arms.

"no i don't." i said confused.

"liam you broke up with me and i don't even know why." she said as tears rolled down her cheeks.

i looked down feeling bad that i was the cause of her behavior.

"how did you just walk away from what we had. how did you decide i just wasn't enough for you anymore. liam please tell me i want to understand i need closure." she said as tears poured down her face.

y/n's pov

"i broke up with you because i wanted to protect you." he said softly.

"what do you mean to protect me." i said confused.

"scott told me about what happened to allison. if i lost you i wouldn't be able to forgive myself so i let you go. trust me these past three months have been hard for me too. y/n pretending not to love you is the hardest thing i've ever done." he said as tears rolled down his cheeks.

i didn't know what to say. he did all this to keep me safe. i leaned forward and kissed him with everything i had in me. we pulled apart.

"i love you liam." i said with smile rubbing my hand over his cheek.

he put his hand on mine.

"i love you too y/n, i never stopped." he said and i smiled.

hope you like it ❤️

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