"chapter 6- history repeats itself"

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liam's pov
it was quiet all you could hear was the cries of her family. i was sitting next to her mom, her dad, and her brother. tears in their eyes as her lifeless body layed in front of us and it's my fault she's dead.

liam's pov
i promised her the night of her life after weeks of lying and canceling our plans tonight would be the night i made it all up to her. i was so happy just to relax take a break from the supernatural world and be normal and spend some time with my girlfriend. stiles picked me up and we pulled up to her house at 7:30. i knocked and she stepped out. she looked gorgeous. "you look great." i said impressed.

"not so bad yourself." she said winking and walking to the car.

she always had a great sense of humor it's like i forgot. you spend sometime apart from a person and you forget the most important they do to make you happy. i've been distant because all the stuff going on in the pack but tonight's going to be different. we arrived at the high school for the dance. we walked inside. i was pleasantly surprised it was really fun. being a normal teenager was really fun. i never came to these things but i promised y/n i'd come with her. i was dancing with y/n and i felt a light tap on my shoulder. i turned around to see stiles.
"what's up." i said confused. he grabbed my arm and pulled me towards the food tables.

"we have to go." he said quickly.

"what why." i said getting angry.

"i'll explain in the car liam but we really have to go." he said.
i walked over to y/n who was standing by herself on the dance floor and i let out a sigh.

"i have to go somewhere with stiles but i'll be right back i promise." i said.

"your ditching me again." she said turning her head as tears formed in her eyes.

"no y/n please don't get upset i promise i'll be right back." i said hugging her.

"okay go but you better have your ass back here in 10 minutes." she said kissing my cheek.

y/ns pov
he left again, he's always ditching me and never telling me where he's going. i decided i was going to follow him so i could find out what was really going on. i was tired of being lied to and i needed to know the truth which i clearly was never going to get from liam. i headed out the door behind them. they were walking down the street towards the woods. they entered the woods and i went in after them. it was dark and scary. then i saw scott and realized they were all having a secret meeting. they were talking about supernatural, werewolfs, and berserkers. i was so confused did he really leave the dance with me so he could come stand in the woods and talk about fairytale characters. i was livid he was actually ditching dates and lying to me so he could come out to the middle of nowhere and talk about things that didn't even exist. i came from behind the tree.

"liam what the hell are you doing !" i screamed then i felt a sharp pain in my side.

i looked up and saw a seven foot monster had stuck it's claw straight through my stomach. i hit the ground hard and everything began to slip away.

"y/n." liam screamed

"liam." i said calmly looking at the blood pour out of my body.

"it's gonna be okay your gonna be okay." he said trying to reassure me and he put his hand on my wound and he kept trying to do something.

"i can't take her pain." he yelled looking at scott.

"that's because it doesn't hurt." i said

"no y/n." he said crying.

"it's gonna be okay

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"it's gonna be okay." i said now crying too.

"i love you y/n." he said as warm tears fell from his eyes.

"i love you." i said smiling up at him and my eyes shut.

liam's pov
her last words "i love you"

she's gone and it's all my fault i don't know what i'm supposed do. how am i gonna face her family and her friends knowing its my fault she's gone.

scott's pov
it was happening again, it happened derek, it happened to me, and now it had happened to liam. history was repeating itself.

i hope you like it❤️

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