"chapter 38- im kinda pregnant"

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liams pov

we sat in the bathroom quietly until the timer went off breaking the silence. y/n reached for her phone to turn the timer off. she looked at me with fear in her eyes as she reached for it. she looked down at it and tears formed in her eyes. she looked at up at me as a tear rolled down her red cheeks.

"what does it say?" i asked nervously.

"its positive." she said.

y/ns pov

my heart sunk into my stomach. i couldn't believe i was pregnant at sixteen, i was everything i said i wouldn't be.

"what are we going to do?" i said looking down.

liam got up from the chair he was in and wrapped his arms around me.

"i don't know what we're going to do but we'll figure it out." he said planting a kiss on my cheek.

then i heard the door shut downstairs. liam and i looked at eachother we both took a deep breath. we headed down the stairs to find my mom and scott sitting at the kitchen table.

"hey liam know you were here." scott said.

"i have something to tell you both." i said interrupting him.

"what is it." my mom asked.

"i'm kinda pregnant." i blurted out.

"oh my god how did this happen y/n." my mom said shocked running her fingers through her hair.

"i'm pretty sure it happened the regular way." i mumbled.

"y/n don't be sassy right now." my mom said annoyed.

i hope you like it❤️

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