"chapter 45- the pictures"

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y/n's pov

i walked down the hallway with mason to my locker. i felt a thousand eyes on me. they whispered things like what slut, she's a freak, i can't believe she did that, and other terrible things. i don't understand why everyone's so interested. they were just pictures it's really no big deal. why can't people just mind their own damn business for once?

liams pov

i ran to school after missing the bus for the third time in the past two weeks. i think i should probably stop staying up late every night watching orange is the new black. i quickly ran to my locker and sprinted to first period. mr. yukimura gave me a stern look as i stumbled into the classroom.

"liam how nice of you to join us take your seat now." the class laughed.

i sat down next to mason.

"did you see those pictures of y/n." he asked me in a whisper.

i shook my head then he pulled out his phone and showed me. my mouth dropped open. y/n had sent me those pictures and now everyone in school had them.

 y/n had sent me those pictures and now everyone in school had them

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then the bell rang. everyone headed towards the lunch room. i looked over and saw y/n sitting at the table with scott, stiles, lydia, and kira. mason and i walked over and sat down. the whole table was silent. everyone was staring at y/n until lydia finally broke the silence.

"so do you want to talk about the pictures." lydia asked and y/n rolled her eyes.

"come on you have to talk to us y/n." scott sighed.

"i don't have to do anything, besides eat and breathe." she said crossing her arms.

y/n's pov

"please just listen to them their trying to help you y/n." mason pleaded.

"why does everyone care about this so much? they are just pictures it's not that big of a deal. i'm so sick of everyone trying to pry into my life." i yelled.

they all stared at me in shock.

"y/n we just want to know if you're okay." lydia said softly.

"i'm absolutely fine i don't care about this. it's going to blow over like tomorrow. someone will get eaten by a mountain lion or justin bieber will do something crazy and i'll be out of the spotlight." i said.

two girls walked by and yelled

"y/n is a huge slut! "

liams pov

y/n turned a bright shade of red and not out of embarrassment but out of anger.

"liam can i talk to you alone." she said angrily.

"yeah." i said getting up.

then we walked over in the corner and she went off.

"why would you sent those pictures around." she said.

"i didn't." i said defensively.

"then how does everyone have them because you're the only one i sent them to." she asked.

"i don't know y/n." i said cluelessly.

"don't talk to me okay liam whatever we were it's done we're done

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"don't talk to me okay liam whatever we were it's done we're done." she said pushing me and walking away.

i hope you like it❤️

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