"chapter 60- everyone gets tested"

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you walked down the hallway and tightened your bookbag straps. you looked at the floor hoping they wouldn't see you. then you ran into a large figure and fell to the floor. you looked up to see a group of girls and boys.

"we've been looking for you y/n." one of the boys said.

"wh-why." you stuttered out.

"it's your turn." the boy said.

"my turn for what." you asked.

"don't play dumb y/n everyone gets tested. now get up." one of the girls said harshly.

you got up off the ground and were grabbed by two boys.

"this isn't going to hurt." the boy said as he pulled out a pocket knife bringing it towards your hand.

he places the cold blade on your hand and presses it into your hand drawing blood. you pull your hand back and run down the hall away from the group of you classmates. you keep running and running until you're in the parking lot. you turn back to see the doors of the school open and the group of kids walking quickly towards you. you look to your right to see a blue jeep. you run towards it open the door and get inside. in the car is three boys. scott mccall who had graduated with liam and mason who were in your grade.

"y/n what're you doing." liam asked confused why you jumped into their car.

"there coming for me please drive." you begged & with that scott started the engine and drove you all to a safe location.

"what happened." all the boys asked you in synch.

"they were testing me to see if i would heal." you said.

"we'll protect you." liam said.

"how if we aren't safe here anymore weren't safe anywhere." you cried.

"hey, i'm going to protect you no matter what it takes i promise you that. you're always safe with me." liam said.

i hope you like it ❤️

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