"chapter 8- maybe we could go out"

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you & your father had just moved to beacon hills to live with his fiancé and her son scott. your dad and melissa talked and thought it would be a good for you and scott to spend some quality time together since you were now going to be living under the same roof. so this meant you had to go to his lacrosse game. it wasn't as bad as you thought it would be it was surprisingly kind of fun. when the game was over you waited outside the locker room for scott since he was your ride home. then you saw him walk out with two other boys by his side. one was stiles who scott had shown you a picture of before but the other one didn't look familiar. he had the nicest eyes you had ever seen you just couldn't look away you were so drawn to him. he smiled at you causing you to blush instantly.

"i'll wait for you in the car." scott whispered in your ear as him and stiles headed for the car leaving you alone with the mystery boy.

"so what's your name?" you asked.

"liam dunbar" he said with that adorable

"maybe we can go out some time?" he nervously spit out.

"i'd like that i'm y/n by the way." you said.

then you heard the beep of a car it was scott telling you it's time to go. you said goodbye to liam and got in the car. you smiled as you thought to yourself maybe this town won't be so bad after all.

 you smiled as you thought to yourself maybe this town won't be so bad after all

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i hope you like it❤️

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