"chapter 3 - like a banshee"

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y/ns pov

liam and the rest of the pack had noticed something was up with me. so right now they are pretty much interrogating me in scott's house.

"we want the truth and nobody's leaving until we get it." lydia said sternly.

finally i gave in wanting them to know everything just not knowing how they'd react to it.

"okay." i said and began to tell them what they wanted to know.

"it all started when i was 9. i remember i was in school sitting at my desk. i was taking my pen apart and putting back together. then i heard someone whisper my name i turned around and everyone was focused on their work. the next time was about month later i heard someone whisper my name again but this time it was louder and the next time it was louder and louder and louder. until it was someone screaming my name. i would put my fingers in my ears trying to block out the voice it worked at first, but after a while it stopped working. but it got so loud it was almost hard to take until one time i just screamed." i said softly and when i looked around at everyone in the room they were shocked.

"like a banshee." lydia breathed out and i nodded.

liam looked at me just the way i didn't want him to with pity and shock.

"so you're a banshee." stiles asked confused.

"yeah." i said.

lydia smiled and let out a sigh in relief she finally had someone who understood what she was going through. i looked over liam and he gave me a little smile.

"i guess i'm done here." i said heading for the door then someone grabbed my arm.

"wait why are you leaving?" he asked.

"you guys go what you wanted. so i don't really think there's any reason for me to stick around." i said harshly.

he cupped my cheeks with his hands.
"i don't care if your a banshee i still love you whether your human or not." he said smiling. i wrapped my arms around his neck as his fell to my waist.

"just kiss me already." i said laughing and that's exactly what he did.

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