"chapter 16- its complicated"

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y/ns pov

liam and i were laying on his bed making out. he's not my boyfriend i actually don't know what we are.

liams pov
so this is how i spend most of my nights now hooking up with y/n when we are supposed to be studying. i like her a lot but i don't know if this will ever turn into something more. i don't know if she's looking for anything serious and she can pretty much have any guy she wants so if she wanted me, she'd have me already.

mason's pov

i haven't seen y/n or liam in days. i know they were hiding something but i couldn't put my finger on what it would be. i went to y/n's house and she wasn't home. so i thought maybe liam might be home. i went to his house and his stepdad let me in. i went upstairs to his room and opened the door.

 i went upstairs to his room and opened the door

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y/ns pov
i heard liams door fly open.

"oh shit." i screamed pushing liam off me and onto the floor.

"what are you guys doing, are you dating?" mason said interrogating us.

"no of course not." i said laughing at the awkward situation.

"its complicated." liam blurted out.

i hope you like it❤️

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