"chapter 24- back for you"

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requested by fandomsbaby

your pov

liam and i were laying on my bedroom floor doing homework and then someone knocked at the door.

"who's that." liam asked.

"i don't know i'm going to go check i'll be right back." i said kissing him on the cheek and heading to the stairs.

i walked down the stairs and opened the door it was jake. my ex boyfriend jake who i haven't seen him or heard from since i moved to beacon hills.

"hey." i said awkwardly.

"hey y/n can we talk." he asked.

"sure come in." i said quickly regretting it.

" so look i really miss you. you're the best thing that ever happened to me and i can't believe i let you go without a fight. i know you're  probably not going to want me back. but promise i'm willing to fight for you as long as it takes." he said quickly and my mouth practically hung open out of shock because of the statement he had just made.

i had no words for him. then i heard footsteps coming from the stairs and i knew it was liam.

"babe who's this." liam said putting his arm around me.

"this is my old friend jake." i said cringing at my words.

"jake this is liam my boyfriend." i said awkwardly.

"nice to meet you." liam said.

"nice to meet you too & i better get going i have school tomorrow." jake said.

"wait where are you going to school?" i asked praying he wouldn't say what i knew he was about to say.

"im starting at beacon hills high." he said with a smile.

i hope you like it❤️

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