"chapter 55- last petal"

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requested by hockeylover18249
liam's pov
scott wants me and y/n to go in the woods and search for any clues that could lead us to finding stiles. i guess you could say me and y/n didn't really get along. we fought over everything, but tonight we're being forced to work together.

i was standing outside my house waiting for y/n to pick me up. her car pulled up.

"get in loser." she yelled

i rolled my eyes at her comment and got into her car and slammed the door.

"don't slam my door." she hissed

"yeah whatever." i hissed back.

"let's just get this over with okay." she said rolling her eyes and pressing her foot on the gas.
y/n's pov

we arrived at the woods and it was pitch black outside. i was kind of scared because i'm human and it isn't safe for me to be out here at night but liam is with me. even though we don't at all see eye to eye he wouldn't let anyone or anything hurt me. i've always known that & it was kind of comforting and reassuring. we turned on our flashlights and walked around the silent dark woods. the only sound you could hear was the whistling of the owls & the sound of leaves ruffling an twigs snapping as we stepped on them as we walked deeper into the woods. then suddenly i heard a roar and i felt claws being sunk into the side of my stomach. my legs went limp and i felt my body lose control and i started to fall. but before i could hit the ground liam caught me. he shined his flashlight on my wound.

liam's pov

i shined my flashlight on her wound. i've never seen so much blood.

"give me your hand i'll take your pain." i said.

she gave me her hand and nothing happened.

"i-i can't take you pain." i said stuttering as tears brimmed my eyes.

"that's because it doesn't hurt." she said softly.

"no-no y/n." i said crying.

"liam i have to tell you something." she said calmly.

"what-what is it." i said anxiously.

"i love you, i always have." she said smiling up at me as blood poured out of her body.

"i love you too y/n i've been in love with you since the day i met you." i said smiling down at her.

she used the last bit of her strength to push herself up so she could kiss my lips. she laid back down and her eyes started to close &

"no y/n keep your eyes open you can't leave me." i said sobbing.

she looked at me & whispered "plant flowers on my grave so when the seeds bloom you can pick me and you can hold me again."

her eyes shut & i sat there holding her limp cold body crying wishing that the most beautiful flower in my life didn't lose its last petal.

i hope you like it❤️

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