"chapter 42- i can take care of myself"

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requested by @terraelizabeth

terra's pov
i was laying on my bed and i heard a knock on my bedroom door.

"come in." i yelled to the person on the other side of the door.

"i'm going to stiles house i'll be back later." scott said.

"okay bye love you." i said with a smile.

"love you too kid." he said shutting my door.

i looked out my window and i saw scott get on his bike and drive away. i texted liam that he could come over. we've secretly been dating for the past few weeks. then i heard a knock on my window. i opened my window and liam climbed into my room.

"you know you could have just came through the front door right." i said with a laugh.

"yeah but i like the window better." liam said shrugging.

liam's pov
"liam i hate sneaking around like this why can't we just tell scott." terra said and i sighed.

"terra if we tell scott he's going to flip, you know that." i said.

"i know you're right but it's just annoying having to sneak around all the time." terra said with a sigh.

then her bedroom door flew open.

"terra have you seen my, liam what are you doing in my sisters room?" scott said confused.

"i'm, i'm." i said choking on my words.

"liam i'm not going to ask again what the hell are you doing in my sisters room?"scott said raising his voice.

"the truth is terra and i have been dating for the past couple of weeks." i blurted out.

"liam leave i'll deal with you later." scott said and with that i climbed out the window as fast as i could.

terra's pov
"you know my rule no werewolves and especially not liam! " scott screamed in my face.

"you can't tell me what to do if i want to date liam then i'm going to date him." i said standing my ground.

"are you trying to get yourself killed? it's dangerous enough out here and you're putting yourself in even more danger." scott yelled.

"i can take care of myself." i said

"just because you think you can doesn't mean that you can." scott said and his voice softened.

"well i know i can." i said crossing my

"terra please just listen to me i just don't want you to end up like." he stopped himself and sighed.

"like allison, she thought she could take care of herself, she thought she knew what she was getting into but the truth is nobody knows what their getting into with the supernatural." he said.

"scott i love him." i whispered.

"just be careful kid." he said hugging me.

"i will." i said releasing from the hug.

"and use protection." he added.

"scott you just totally ruined the moment." i said rolling my eyes.

i hope you like it❤️

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