"chapter 54- dont ever touch my girlfriend"

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this was requested by crazy12reader1
[lowercase intended]

liam's pov
scott texted me & asked if me and darcy could go find him everything on his list. he was building some kind of contraption to try and catch a ghost rider. maybe it'll work but it probably won't knowing our luck. i was sitting in my living room waiting for darcy to come pick me up so we could go. i heard a horn beep twice and i knew she was here.

"hey dunbar" she said with a smile .

"hey darcy" i said back with a smile.

she's so beautiful. we've been friends for as long as i can remember and i've always had feeling for her. but if i tell her everything will change and if she doesn't feel the same that could be the end of our friendship.

"liam" darcy yelled snapping me out of my thoughts.

"wha-what" i stuttered out

"can i see the list." she asked getting annoyed.

"yeah sorry." i said handing it over to her.

"we can find most of these things at the hardware store that's downtown. it's next to that new skate park." she stated.

"let's go then." i said and with that she put her foot on the gas and we headed downtown.

darcie's pov

we arrived at the hardware store and i stepped out of the car and was greeted by whistling & hollering.

i turned around to see a group of boys with skateboards screaming "let me tap that."

from across the street. i swear more than half of the male population has no respect for women or anything. i locked my car and me and liam walked in the store. i picked up a basket so we could place are items in it instead of carrying all of them, and by the length of the list there was no way we would be able to carry all of that. we walked down the isles looking for a rope. i bent to pick one up and when i came back up i felt a slap on my butt. i turned around to see the group of skateboarders. i was livid.

i smacked the boy across the face. "don't you ever touch me like that you hear me!" i screamed pointing in the boys face.

"come on baby you know you want me stop playing hard to get." he slurred out wrapping his arms around my waist, i wiggled trying to get out of his grip.

"let go of her now." liam said clenching his fists and gritting his teeth.

with that the boy let go of be and took a step back out of fear.

"sorry dude." the boy said trembling in fear.

"don't ever touch my girlfriend again you hear me." liam said flashing his yellow eyes.

which caused all the boys to scramble towards the exit of the store.

i looked over at liam and he was already looking at me.
"you okay?" he asked me.

"yeah thanks for scaring those jerks off." i said stepping towards liam.

"no problem" he said with a laugh.

"so i'm your girlfriend now." i said with a laugh.

"i-i just said that so they'd leave you alone." liam said stuttering nervously.

"that's too bad cause i was going to say i wouldn't mind being your girlfriend." i said wrapping my arms around his neck.

"i wouldn't mind being your boyfriend." he said back.

"so what do boyfriends & girlfriends do?" i said acting clueless.

"they kiss." liam said with a smile as he grabbed my waist and our lips collided.

it was perfect. that's the only word that could describe this moment. we pulled apart and looked at each other smiling.

"now let's get the rest of the stuff on this list." i said and hand in hand we went along through the store.

i hope you like it❤️

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