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Taylor's POV

I woke to the delicious smell of bacon and the sizzling of the pan. I turned to my side, facing the empty side of the bed next to me. So Travis was downstairs making breakfast. I buried myself under the covers, not wanting to get up. I was on a break from my tour, and Travis was on his off-season, so we had decided to go on a vacation, to a private house near the beach.

I heard Travis's footsteps walking towards our room and I snuggled even deeper in the sheets. I groan when a pair of hands pull the sheet away from my body, exposing me to the bright sunlight streaming out of the now open window and the cold.

"Good morning princess." Travis peppered my face with kisses. I glared at him and buried my face in the pillows. I heard him laugh before attempting to pick me up. I lashed out and kicked his thigh, and he dropped me back onto the bed. "It's too early." I whined, lightly pushing him away as he tried to give me a hug. He chuckled. "It's 10am Tay. I've let you sleep in long enough. Don't you want to go to the beach? It's a wonderful day today." I shook my head stubbornly, crossing my arms. "Okay, well you get up when you're ready." Travis walked out of the room and I snuggled back into bed.

A few minutes later I got up, my stomach rumbling. I brushed my hair and did my makeup as I savoured the delicious smell of breakfast wafting up the stairs. I made my way back to our room, opening the closet. I picked out a bikini then threw on a small pair of denim shorts and a white tank top.


Travis met me outside the house after breakfast with his swimming trunks on. "Ready for the beach princess? Race you down!" He started sprinting towards the golden sand and I giggled, running after him. The moment our feet touched the sand, Travis turned around and picked me up in his arms, holding me like I weighed nothing. I squealed in delight as he spun me around in circles. He set me down again and I stumbled around, dizzy.

I pulled my shirt over my head, tugging my shorts down as well, leaving me in my black bikini. "C'mon!" I laughed, running into the water. He bounded in after me and I splashed him playfully, scrunching up my nose happily. He splashed me back, drenching my whole figure. Before I could retaliate, he grabbed me and dunked me under the warm water. I gasped for air, kicking him on the thigh, barely missing his balls. "Truce, truce." Travis laughed, holding up his hands in mock surrender. I crossed my arms, feigning confusion. "Why would I accept your truce?" I asked him, raising one eyebrow and trying not to giggle. "Umm because you love me?" I gave in to the giggles and started moving towards him, slinging my arms around his neck. He rolled his eyes. "Sure babygirl." He laughed, kissing me softly.

After a couple of hours of being in the water, we decided to lie on the sand to tan. We were lying down side by side, Travis's hand casually resting on my ass. Suddenly, my phone vibrated next to me and I picked it up, seeing a text from Tree.

Tree 🌳: The paps know you're at the beach. Keep it PG or you will be in trouble Taylor Alison Swift.

I sighed, bringing my hands to my temples. God, how the fuck did the paps always find us. It was impossible to even get an inch of privacy these days. "What's wrong?" Travis asked me, looking over, concerned. "The paps found us. I don't know how, but they know we're here." I groaned. "Hey, it's okay kitten. We don't have to act differently just for the cameras." He assured me, hugging me and rubbing my back in small circles. "Well... Tree said we have to keep it PG." I giggled. He smirked. "Don't worry kitten, we will." I gave him a doubtful look, before lying back down to soak in the sun.

It wasn't long before I felt Travis's hand creep towards my ass again, and I slapped him away, sitting up promptly. "Travis you know you can't do that, or Tree will be after my blood." I warned him. He rolled his eyes, then crushed his lips onto mine. We got stuck in the heated kiss, my brain telling me to stop, but my body didn't stop. His hand crept under my shirt, and my phone rung. We broke away, gasping for air as I answered my phone.

"Taylor Alison Swift if you don't stop practically fucking each other with paps around then I will bring out the spray bottle. Save it for the bedroom and keep it in your pants." Tree warned me, a tinge of frustration evident in her voice. I gulped. "Sorry Tree." What was with this woman? Did she have like some kind of camera on us or something. She always knew exactly what I was doing.

I turned back to Travis. "Tree tells us that if we don't save this till the bedroom, she's gonna come after us with a spray bottle." I tried not to laugh. Travis groaned. "Tree always ruins our fun." I shoved him. "Unless you want photos of us fucking circling around the internet, I think we should probably stop." I reasoned. "I guess." He smiled, pulling me closer to him, wrapping me in his arms.

"Can I at least have a kiss?" He pleaded with me. I giggled, pressing my lips to his. His hands wrapped around my head, tangling his fingers in my hair and my hands reached to his back, pulling him closer to me. My phone rang yet again, and I looked at the contact number. Tree. Oh shit. We were so dead.

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⏰ Last updated: 3 days ago ⏰

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