❀ ʚɞ Adeline ʚɞ ❀March 25, 2005
I had finally convinced my mam to let me out of her sight and let me back to school.
I didn't miss school, in fact I was nervous to go, but I'd already missed almost a weeks worth of rehearsals for Swan Lake and I refused to lose my part to my understudy—aka Fiona.
"It's going to be fine," Grace squeezed my hand as we stood outside of Tommen, "I'm not afraid to beat a bitch up if I have to."
I smiled but her words—as true as they were—didn't help. I knew rumours about me had been flying, especially since Stephan was no longer in custody which was what my dad called a 'judicial interim release'.
"I will beat anyone if they even look at you sideways," Johnny growled, his expression dark.
"You guys, it's going to school not preparing for world war three," I sighed, even though my words weren't doing much to calm me down.
"Yeah, well, bottom line is you've got us, babe," Gerard grabbed ahold of my other hand.
Deciding it was better to rip the bandaid off, I led my bodyguards towards the front entrance. I pushed open the door and stepped into the hallway, peoples eyes immediately freezing on me.
I was officially that girl.
The girl who got drunk at a party and cried rape.
That's what the story was anyways.Because girls were never believed.
Society was fucked up."That's her," Someone whispered far too loud.
"The girl who lied about being raped?" Another gasped.
"Say it again," Declan snapped, his fists in tight balls, "And I'll slam your head into that fucking locker."
I quickly yanked the hood of my jumper over my head and picked up my pace.
I knew people would talk, but I didn't think it'd be to this extent.
Once I was safely inside the ballet studio, I dropped my bag and began to change.
"Adeline!" Miss Lucy beamed at the sight of me, she pulled me in for a hug and lowered her voice, "I'm so proud of you, love. And I'm extremely impressed that you're here."
"Thank you," I nodded, wishing everyone would just treat me normally, "I'm ready to get my head in the game."
"Amazing," She clapped, "Thomas is playing Prince Siegfried and he's happy to have you back!"
I smiled, casually slipping away from her in order to stretch.
After doing about a hundred fouettés and running through Act One, I was exhausted. I hadn't been doing much dancing over the past week, all things considered.
"Great work today, girls," Miss Lucy gave Grace and I nods of approval.
"Thank you," We said in unison.
I dropped to the floor and began untying my pointe shoes.
"Great work accusing my boyfriend of rape," Fiona scoffed to one of her stupid little friends.
My eyes immediately narrowed at her, "Excuse me?"
"You heard me," Fiona sneered, "You were actually dumb enough to say he raped you? I mean jesus christ, did you want his attention that bad?"
"Are you fucking kidding me?" Grace was jumping to her feet, "I swear to god, I'll murder you."
"Adeline, call off your attack dog," Tiffany giggled.
"Fuck you," Grace scoffed, "You're both fucked in the head from all that bleach you use to dye your untoned hair."
"You're the fucked one!" Fiona shouted, "You're hanging out with that psycho! She made up the rape, did you know that? Steph told me there's no evidence."
"Right, because Steph is such a stand up guy," Grace released a strangled laugh, "What happened to girls supporting girls?"
"Adeline's a big fat slut she just can't admit it, so she goes and cries rape."
Before I could even blink Grace was slapping Fiona across the face, "Fuck you! You're a fucking bitch, Fiona. You and Steph can burn in hell together."
Grace continued her attack while Fiona just screamed bloody murder and Tiffany was hysterical.
"Girls!" Miss Lucy gasped, rushing over to try and separate them, "Enough! Stop or I'll pull you both out of the performance."
That was enough to get Grace to push herself off Fiona and shrug, "So sorry about that Fi, I don't know where that came from."
Fiona glared at Grace but nodded. Both of them were obviously afraid to be replaced in the performance.
Once Miss Lucy was done giving us all a lecture on the importance of working as a team, Grace and I headed in the direction of the lunch hall.
"I can't fucking believe that bitch," Grace hissed, "I'd like to break her ugly fucking pig nose."
"You nearly did," I chuckled, dropping down in the seat next to Gerard.
I tried to pretend like I didn't notice everyone looking at me and the fact that the rugby team's usual lunch table had split in two.
Addy believers and Addy skeptics, I noted.
Our new table consisted of Grace and I, Johnny, Gerard, Declan, Hughie and his girlfriend, Patrick, Theo, and a handful of other lads I didn't know very well.
"Gracie what happened to you? Is that blood?" Johnny's face was full of concern, as she sat down next to Theo.
"It is actually," She nodded, "I had to put a bitch in her place, don't worry about it."
"You're literally insane," Declan shook his head.
"And you love it, Deccy," She teased, "Isn't that your little girlfriend over there?"
I followed her gaze to Shannon like the river and smiled. Declan had been going on about the girl since she'd come over, and I swear I'd never seen him so obsessed with a girl before.
"You okay?" Gerard nudged me.
"Yeah," I nodded, "Just trying to get used to all this."
"I've got you, babe," He smiled, "No matter what."
I felt a genuine smile pull at my lips and I popped a strawberry into my mouth.
Although I felt tons of eyes on me, I tried to drown them out.
They didn't matter.
The people at this table mattered.
Not the others.
Only them.

Fanfiction❀ ❊ ❁ ♡︎ In which Adeline Kavanagh has always been perfect, until her world is cracked and she becomes something else. Something different. And Gerard Gibson, her brother's best friend, is determined to figure out why that is. Brother's best frie...