❀ ʚɞ Adeline ʚɞ ❀"Another actress, I hate to think that I was just your type"
May 5, 2005
I was exhausted, and for the first time in a long time it was a good kind of exhausted. I'd been at the studio so long I'd pretty much turned into a swan. It felt good to finally dance with nothing on my mind but dance itself.
Our big show was coming up on the twentieth, and it was all coming together. Grace and I had stayed up until three in the morning creating mood boards for our characters. It was what Declan would call 'girlie ass shite'.
"You're coming out with us tonight, right?" Grace asked, falling out of a pirouette.
"I don't know..." I trailed off. "I was planning on having a bubble bath."
"Replace that bubble bath with a vodka cran," she giggled. "Come on, Ads, don't leave me with the boys."
"But my bed is calling my name," I whined, doing one last fouetté before moving for my water bottle.
"Addy, you are coming out with me," she demanded. She gave me a smile and tugged on my hand, "now, help me nail these fouettés because I'm dying here." She had a slight panic on her face, "I'm never going to manage thirty-two turns!"
I placed my hands on her shoulders, "Miss Lucy wouldn't have cast you if she didn't think you could do it. You can do this, babe. We can practice for the entire night if that's what it takes."
"Actually we can't, because we are going out," she winked.
"Someone save me," I groaned. "Now, get your head in the game! We've got turns to practice."
"You're not going to dance?" Declan asked, coming to slide into the booth next to me.
"I've done enough of that today," I chuckled, poking at the ice in my drink. "Where's Shan?"
"Locked in her room like a prisoner thanks to her dickhead brother," he huffed. "I'm not drinking tonight though, I've plans to pick her up later."
Shannon's older brother Darren had a slight vendetta against Declan. It was one of the dumbest things in my opinion, because it didn't get much better than Declan. Her brother should be grateful she stumbled upon the better behaved Kavanagh boy.
"Ew, that better not be code for sex," I crinkled my nose.
"Must you have such a dirty mind, baby sister," he drawled. His eyes were on someone that the opposite side of the booth blocked but he gave them a curt nod.
"I'm five minutes younger than you, eejit."
"You're still my baby sister."
I rolled my eyes, downing the rest of my drink in the process. I had in fact had enough dancing for the day, but I also knew Gerard was here. Since the day at court we'd been narrowly avoiding one another, not even a glance had been shared.
The regret of the past month washed over me, feelings of guilt pricking my gut. Part of me wanted to walk over to him and tell him I wanted him back, while the other part screamed at me to let him go.

Fanfiction❀ ❊ ❁ ♡︎ In which Adeline Kavanagh has always been perfect, until her world is cracked and she becomes something else. Something different. And Gerard Gibson, her brother's best friend, is determined to figure out why that is. Brother's best frie...