not pussy whipped, just whipped

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:* Gibsie :*

April 10, 2005

"Hold the fuck up, you did what?" My eyes widened and my jaw unhinged.

"It shouldn't be that shocking," Johnny scoffed. "I've been talking about the girl for the past week."

"And I didn't think you'd stick your tongue down her throat," I gaped. "Can I have a bit more information, because this is a lot for me."

"Who'd Johnny stick his tongue in?" Hughie asked, joining us at the fire pit in his back yard.

We were having a 'boys night' that really only consisted of Hughie, Patrick, Johnny and I.

"Not in, down the throat," I corrected. "Although, he might as well have."

"That would be Gracelyn," Feely filled in.

"What? Isn't she with Theo?" Hughie gasped, eyes wide with shock.

"Not anymore," Johnny shrugged, a smug expression appearing on his face.

"Johnny broke them up," I chuckled, "I hope Theo busts his bollox."

"The fuck?" Johnny glared at me.

"What?" I gave him a cheeky grin, leaning back in my seat and cracking open another beer.

"Can we get some context?" Hughie asked, looking to Johnny.

"Theo and her broke up, and then she came over and we kissed," He offered with a shrug, "it was as simple as that."

"I didn't know you liked her," Feely grinned. "What happened there?"

"He got his balls fixed and his head cleared," I giggled.

Johnny shot me a glare, "actually, I just realized I was pushing my feelings aside for no reason."

"Good on you," Hughie nodded. 

"I think it's amazing." I agreed, looking to Johnny, "now you can't be mad at me for being with your sister, when you're doing the same with her best friend."

"I can be mad all I want," Johnny snapped, crossing his arms.

"How is Addy?" Feely asked.

"Amazing," I smiled at the mention of her name. "She's been dancing a lot, and I think it's good for her. I'm so fucking happy, lads. The girls got me wrapped around her finger without even trying."

I knew she was going through a lot, but despite it all she was still smiling. I knew better than anyone that her experience left scars so deep they were irreversible.

I admired her for getting through it with a positive attitude. I admired her strength, she was everything I wanted to be.

"You're so pussy whipped," Hughie laughed, "shit, can I say that when it's Cap's sister?"

"No!" Johnny hissed at the same time Feely shrugged, "yeah."

"It's not even pussy whipped, Hugh," I grinned, "it's just straight up whipped. She's it for me."

"Of course you fall in love with my sister," Johnny groaned.

"At least you know she's with a good lad," Feely offered.

"That's what you call a good lad?" Johnny snorted.

"I'm the best," I gave him a shit-eating grin. "At least your sister thinks I am."

"I swear to god I'll beat the shite out of you," Johnny sneered.

"I love you too," I shot him a wink.

"Hi, guys," Claire smiled from the balcony, Lizzie and Shannon appearing beside her.

Claire had always had a little crush on me, while her best friend, Lizzie—or the Viper as I call her—hates my bleeding guts.

"Hi, Claire," I waved.

Lizzie's eyes burned holes in my face, a sign of her obvious distaste towards me. I returned the glare, because I had just as much animosity towards her.

She had this narrative that my step-brother drove her sister to suicide, but I knew the truth. I had the truth tucked under my mattress on wrinkled paper.

"You want a drink?" Feely offered, holding up a can of beer.

"Not if Thor's around," Lizzie hissed, her eyes locked on me.

"Then tough luck," I shrugged, "I'm not going anywhere."

She rolled her eyes, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Hey, Little Shannon," I waved. "How's Declan?"

A blush crept onto her cheeks and she grinned, "he's good."

"He's treating you well?"

"Very well."

"Good," I chuckled.

Claire shot me a huge grin, and I returned it. She was a nice enough girl but she wasn't Addy.

She didn't make my heart soar to life with pure love. She didn't make me want to tear her clothes off and she definitely didn't make the earth stop spinning when I looked at her.

No one was Adeline Kavanagh.
No one ever would be.

She was mine for life.
She always had been.


if claire and lizzie appearing seems random it's not. everything happens for a reason is all i'm going to say ;)

i love you



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