Chapter Twenty Three

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Chapter Twenty Three:
I Miss You, I'm So Sorry

~POV: Jaiden~

I woke up the next morning with something jumping on me. I opened my eyes to see a familiar dog.

"Banana!" I yelled. I sat up and rubbed the dog's back. I got up and dressed, putting my glasses on. I walked downstairs to the kitchen. Taryn and Austin sat at the table eating breakfast.

"Morning." I greeted them.

"Where's my Banana?" Austin asked.

"Hopefully in your pants." I joked. Taryn spit out her coffee and laughed. I just about died over that.

"It's good to see you happy." Austin said before hugging me tightly. "Ready to go?" I nodded. Everybody knew that I couldn't eat before eleven without getting sick. Taryn and Austin got in Austin's car and I got in Shay's. I got to the hospital first and asked the desk which room he was. He had been moved to the regular area, but he was still on Suicide Watch. The other two walked in and up to the third floor we went. We got out and found Aaron's room. Aaron and Shay sat talking. When I walked in, they both looked at me.

"Jaiden!!! Austin!! Taryn!" They yelled. I walked in and kissed Shay.

"Good. I can go sleep and get a shower!" Shay said. He left after I handed him his keys. I watched him walk down the hall, then walked to Aaron's side. I sat facing him on the bed. He stared into my eyes and I stared into his. Taryn started talking but it sounded muffled.

I started leaning in, Aaron did, too. He gently put his hand on my thigh and I put my hand on his lower stomach. Our lips met gently. He pulled my closer to him. I ran my hand up his stomach and chest. We continued to kiss for a few minutes and we pulled away slowly. I rested my forehead against his.

"Why?" I asked softly.

"You left. You were going back to him. I knew you were never going to pick me over him. I just got so upset and scared. I felt worthless. I felt terrible. I just want you all to myself." He said. I gently kissed him again.

"Aaron, I'm confused. I just, I don't know where I go from here. I just have faith that I'll end up right." I told him. We pulled back from each other to see Austin and Taryn staring at us.

"Y-you two are- what is going on?!" Austin exclaimed. Taryn drug him out of the room. I sighed. Aaron moved over a bit and patted the space beside him. I sat next to him in the bed. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and I leaned against him. He gently kissed the side of my head. I laced my fingers through his.

"I love you so much, Aaron." I told him.

"I know. I love you, too." He said. He kissed down my neck. Austin and Taryn walked back in.

"Okay." Austin said. "Explain." He and Taryn pulled up chairs.

"Well, we've been getting together and just going out to lunch, but a few days ago, Jaiden came in and stuff got a little more than really heated. We did some stuff. Yesterday, we got together again. We love each other." Aaron said.

"Then get back together!" Taryn yelled.

"Taryn, I can't. I'm confused. I don't know where my heart belongs." I said quietly. I pulled away from Aaron and got up. "I'm going for something to eat. It's past eleven. Anybody else want anything?" I asked. They shook their heads. I went down to the cafeteria and sat down. I sighed and put my head in my hands. I needed help.


~POV: Taryn~

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