Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen: Blow Me One Last Kiss

*The next day*

~POV: Aaron~

Jaiden's dad had left after our show, and Jaiden seemed really stressed. I talked to her, but she was just being friendly, not loving. I sighed and got up. I saw Jaiden already up. She was on the phone and grinning.

"Yeah. Can't wait to see you, too. Talk to you later. Bye." She hung up. She looked over to me, smiling. "Morning." She greeted me. "I'm in the mood for toast? You want some toast? I make perfect toast!" She told.

"Sure. What's got you in such a good mood?" I asked, sitting at the table.

"Nothing." She smiled at me as she took out the butter, and two plates, then putting the toast in. She started running hot water over the knife.

"Oh really?" I asked. "Who was on the phone?"

"Abby." She said with a grin.

"You really love that girl, don't you?" She nodded.

"She's my best friend. You hurt her, I severely injure you." She said with a grin. I laughed. The toast popped up, and she immediately started to butter it. She handed me a plate of buttered toast. I was about to pick it up when I was scolded. "Nope! Set it down! You wait five minutes!" I laughed at her.

"Cute." I noticed that she was already dressed in a My Chemical Romance shirt with the Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge album cover on it, dark, ripped shorts, and her red Vans.

"I'm off. Later!" She said as she got off the bus. I sighed and quickly got dressed. I walked back out to see a familiar person sitting on the couch- Amanda.

"A-Amanda! What are you doing here?!" I stuttered.

"I miss you, Aaron. So much. I'm sorry I hurt you. I regret it. Aaron, I still love you. I want you back, if you'll have me." She begged. I started to think about how Jaiden had been pushing me away. I moved forward and pressed my lips to Amanda's.

"I want you back, too." I said with a grin. We started kissing again. It was amazing. I knew I had my girl back. But was Amanda really my girl?


~POV: Jaiden~

I stood pacing the small area of the parking lot I was in. Aaron and I needed to talk. Aaron walked up to me with a big grin on your face.

"Oh no. You look nervous." He told me. I nodded and smiled.

"What's up?" We ask in unison. "You go first."

"Aaron, go. You seem happy." He nodded.

"Amanda showed up. She wants to get back together. I want to, too." He said. "I want to still be friends! Please don't cut me off!" He begged.

"Aaron, it's fine. I'd love to just be friends." I assured him. He hugged my tightly. "Also, somebody has been wanting me for an awful long time." I grinned at him.

"I just have last request." He asked. I nodded. "One last kiss?" I grabbed him by the shirt collar and brought him closer to me. He wrapped his arms around my waist. Our kiss was gently and sweet, but full of longing. We both knew it would be awhile to never before we kissed again. I would always remember the feeling of his lips on mine.


We broke the news to everybody later, Amanda sitting looking smug the entire time. I then announced that I was going on tour with Dayshell, not wanting to be around where it wasn't necessarily wanted. They all nodded. I packed and then went over to All Time Low's bus. I knew it would be the worst. I knocked on the bus door. Jack opened it.

"Jaidy!" He screamed. I started crying. "No! No! Don't cry! Why are you crying?!"

"Because I know this will hurt you. I'm leaving. I'm sorry. Amanda came back, and Aaron wants with her, and I want Shay." I explained. Jack hugged me tightly, his tears dripping into my hair. We stood crying and hugging for several minutes. Finally, we both calmed down and he let me go.

"Jaiden, you're like a little sister to me. Be good. Call me when you get to the venue with Dayshell. Promise to call me if you need anything. Oh, Jaiden." Jack kissed my forehead.

"I gotta go, Jack." I told him. I walked out to see the Dayshell tour bus. Raul came out to greeted me and help me. We got on the bus.

"We know where you like. You're lucky that bunk was open." He teased. I nodded. "Get in your pajamas." He told he. I got my fuzzy batman pajama pants, and black short sleeved v-neck. I found a sign as I walked out of the bathroom to see a note.

"Meet me in the back lounge. Bring your Doctor Who blanket." It read. I laughed and got my glasses from my suitcase. I walked back to the back lounge. I opened the door to see Shayley sitting on the couch grinning at me. The lights were dimmed, popcorn sat on the small coffee table, a stack of movies beside it, tissues beside the movies, and blankets were piled beside Shay. I smiled and stood against the doorframe.

"Hello, Jaiden Rutabaga." He said with a smirk. He also wore his pajamas. He didn't have in his lip ring or his earrings. This was Shay. His teal eyes glistened with happiness. I half smiled.

"Hello, Shayley Dayshell." I said. He moved closer to me and kissed me. I kissed back.

"Seriously?! We gave you the back lounge! Shut the door!" Jordan yelled. Shay picked me up bridal style, not breaking the kiss. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he shut the door with his foot. I smiled into the kiss and ran my hand down his chest. Shay set me down on the couch and gently pulled away. He stared into my eyes.

"God, you're beautiful." He said. He gently pushed a piece of my hair off my face. He kissed me again before sitting down beside me. "What first?" We started with 50 First Dates. It was a great night. We snuggled, watched movies, and ate popcorn. At the end of the night, I turned to Shay.

"Thank you." I said.

"For what? I just set this up. Nothing much." He shrugged.

"It was just what I needed. I felt so bad about leaving Warped Tour." I admitted. Shay kissed me softly.

"I'm glad I could help." He gently caressed my cheek. "Is your bed made and everything?"

"No. I need to go do th-"

"Don't worry about it. You're sleeping with me." Shay said. He wrapped his arms around me. "I like sleeping with you." I remembered Aaron complaining about sharing a bunk with me. I felt sad over the memory. Shay noticed and kissed me again. "Come on. You look like you need some sleep. It's been a long day."


~POV: Aaron~

I had the best night. Sex for the first time in four months! On the bus, too. Mariah and Phil complained about us the entire night, but we didn't care. I had my girl back, and I was happy.


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