Chapter Seventy Eight

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Chapter Seventy Eight:
Mikey's Adventure

~POV: Alexis~

I was very happy to get off the plane. So was Jaiden, meaning she could call Aaron. She ran off to call her husband while Taryn went to pee. I texted Cody, telling him where we were. I looked over at where Jaiden was standing with her suitcase. She had the biggest grin on her face. I scanned the room when I saw a familiar blonde.

"Cody!" I yelled, getting his attention. He grinned and ran to me, picking me up and spinning me around.

"Hey, Alexis! I'm so happy you're here!" He greeted me.

"I am too! It's so good to see you again! Other than just in the pictures you sent." I said with a wink. He chuckled.

"I've enjoyed your pictures as well." Cody said back. "Let's get going."

"Oh, I've got my two friends with me, Taryn and Jaiden? I told you about them." I reminded him. He nodded.

"Where are they?" He asked.

"Taryn is in the bathroom and Jaid is over talking to her husband. Jaiden is already going through Aaron withdrawal." I explained. "I'll get her." I ran over to Jaiden. She was still talking to Aaron. "Rutabaga, hang up." I commanded her.

"Aaron, I've got to go before Mikey has a hernia. I love you... I'll most definitely call you later... Uhuh. Yeah. I'll send them. I love you. I'll talk to you later, my darling." She said before hanging up. She pouted and put her iPhone away.

"Come on, Mrs. Pauley. Let's go." I said, dragging a pouty Rutabaga. We found Taryn and got in Cody's car. Jaiden laid in Taryn's lap the entire ride to Cody's house. He first stopped at another house.

"Okay, I only have one guest room. This is my old friend Austin's house. He said that Jaiden Rutabaga could stay just so then he could ask her about basses." Cody explained.

"Mom said, "You could bounce a quarter off his ass."" Jaiden said from her place face down on Taryn's lap, referring to Patrick Swayze.

"I'll take her in." Cody said. He went over and picked her up bridal style before carrying her and her bag in. He knocked on the door and a curly haired boy answered the boy. He took Jaiden and Cody put the bag inside before coming back out. He got back in the drivers seat. "To my home!"

We arrived at Cody's and got unpacked, me with him in his bedroom. He shut the door behind the two of us before he pushed me onto his bed. He climbed on top of me and began to kiss me furiously. I kissed back immediately.

"I've been waiting to get my hands on you." He mumbled against my lips. We made out for several minutes, our lips moving in sync. Then, we heard a Rutabaga.

"Oh, Mikey! I'm baaaack." Jaiden's voice rang through the house. Then, I heard the familiar sound of Taryn's body meeting Jaiden body meeting the floor. I heard a man laughing. Cody and I parted.

"I hear Austin." He said.

"I hear Jaiden. She's loosing her sanity being away from Aaron." I said. He sighed. We got up and walked out to see Jaiden writhing on the floor, Taryn on top of her. Austin Kerr sat on the floor beside them wiping tears from his eyes.

"Well, this is something." Cody said.

"No. This is normal. Jaiden gets like this when she's without Aaron. Very hyper. And she's a little buzzed. She likes drinking on planes." I explained. "Then, Taryn just joins in." He nodded.

"Let's go get some food. I know a great place." Cody said. We followed him out the door. We all sat down in the car.

"Let's go on a food run, a food run, a food run. Let's go on a food run and get J Rutabaga a drink! Woohoo!1!1!" Jaiden yelled as she tumbled in the car between Taryn and Austin. Austin laughed at her.

"You're a funny girl." Austin said.

"I'm not a girl! I'm a woman! I'm getting to raise a baby soon!" She yelled. "Aaron and what he does to me proves that." She giggled furiously.

"Rutabaga, that's enough." Taryn said, petting Jaiden's leg. Jaiden giggled.

"I love you, Taryn. As I've said before; they can replace you between my legs, but never in my heart." She said. Cody laughed so hard he almost wrecked the car.

Later that night, Taryn was out with Austin and Jaiden while Cody and I stayed at his house. He sat down next to me on the couch. He put his arm around me.

"So, what about the Ashby boy?" Cody asked. I scoffed.

"Did you know he got a girl pregnant?" I asked. "Bad thing is is that one of my best friends is adopting it."

"No way... Jillian?" He asked. I nodded.

"I take it you know her." I said. He nodded.

"Yep. Nice girl. Bad guy. Just like with you. Alan isn't that great a guy." Cody said.

"I've been dating him for five years." I thought. Cody nodded. "I know him so well. But, then he went and did that... and now I just.." Cody placed his lips over mine.

"Just stop thinking about him." He said softly. I looked into those captivating eyes. He kissed me against, the smooth metal of his lip ring running over my lips. Now I knew why Debby wanted to kiss Shayley and why Jaiden kissed Shayley so much when they were together. We made out on the couch before Cody picked me up and took me to the bedroom. He had me against the wall a few times before we finally made it.

I was breathing heavier than I ever had. Cody was much better than Alan. Cody wrapped his arms around me and pulled me to him.

"That was amazing." Cody breathed. He kissed me deeply. "Alexis, will you be mine?" I looked over at him.

"Yes." I said without hesitation. He kissed me again and I kissed back. Then we heard the door open.

"Oh, there's no place like home for the holidays! Bye, Taryn! I love you, my little lesbian!" I heard Jaiden yell before the door shuts. Taryn came back the hallway whistling.

"Let's go to sleep. We can handle the rest tomorrow." Cody said, holding me.

"Okay. Good night, Cody." I said softly. He kissed my forehead.

"Good night, Alexis. I love you." He said. I smiled.

"I love you, too."

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