Chapter Thirty Two

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Chapter Thirty Two:
Catch Hold Of the Madness

~POV: Jaiden~

I woke up before Aaron. I knew he had been tired. I softly kissed his neck before getting up. I grabbed my glasses from the cubby beside my bunk. I slid them on my face.

I grabbed my Doctor Who shirt and a pair of dark washed shorts that were mid-thigh, making my long Doctor Who shirt come down almost to the end of my shorts. I put my stuff on and got ready before making some pancakes. I felt arms snake around my waist and somebody kiss my shoulder.

"Hey, baby." Abby's voice said. I laughed.

"Hello, Abigail." I greeted her. She let go of me and stood beside me.

"I knew I smelt pancakes!" She said. I nodded and put one on the plate beside me, then handed it to Abby. She kissed my cheek and sat down. I made a big stack and set them down.

Ben walked out and grabbed some after I did the same. The three of us sat down. We sat talking and eating. Aaron walked out after a bit and sat down beside me. I put my arm around his shoulders and softly kissed the top of his head before returning to the conversation.

We all finished eating and continued to talk until they left to get ready. I had already been completely ready, so I sat sideways in the booth going through Twitter. Aaron walked out and sat between my legs, his head leaning back onto my chest. I set my phone down on the table and wrapped my arms around his waist. I gently kissed the top of his head.

"You okay, baby?" I asked him. He nodded. I gently ran my fingers through his light brown hair. "Your hair looks so blonde from being out in the sun already." I told him. He put his hands on mine.

"I have turned into the girl in this relationship." Aaron said. I smiled and giggled a bit.

"I top once and this happens!" I joked. Aaron turned and kissed me.

"Well then, we'll need to change that very soon." He told me. I smiled and kissed him. "I was thinking like, now kind of soon." He said against my lips.

"Name the place, and I'm there, baby."

"Inside. ASAP." He smirked. We got our passes, phones, and other things of that nature, quickly grabbing a condom, too. We went inside and found somewhere in the back- an old practice room that had tape across the door.

We went in and immediately, Aaron's hands were all over me, and his lips were attacking my neck. I moaned as he kissed one spot. Stuff got heated very quickly and he pushed me down onto the floor before getting on top of me. When I fell to the floor, I hit my head. I felt a sharp pain, but I ignored it. Then I felt the blood.

"Aaron." I said panicked.

"Yes, baby?" He asked, not noticing my tone. I grabbed his hand and put it where I felt the blood. He looked at my face, panic also now was in his eyes. "That's blood." He said, his voice going high. I nodded. He got off of me and helped me up. I started to walk out, but Aaron stopped me. "No. I'm carrying you."

"I can walk." I said.

"But what if you start to faint or something? I'm carrying you and that's final." He said, sweeping me off my feet, holding me bridal style. I held onto his shoulders as he carried me through. I did start seeing spots. I gripped his shoulders tighter.

"Aaron." My voice was shaking. He held me tightly. Everything started to go black and I started to not be able to breathe. "A-Aaron." I gripped his shirt tightly. I squeezed my eyes shut and buried my face in his shoulder. I felt myself slip passed consciousness and into darkness.

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