Chapter Forty One

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Chapter Forty One:
To Burn It To The Ground

~POV: Jaiden~

New festival. For Of Mice. Aaron and I were going straight from the festival after her performed on a red eye flight to Hagerstown. It was December twenty first and we were going to Pheonix to stay in the heat before going to freeze.

We got off the plane in Arizona with the other guys. I was the only girl who came. Aaron kept his arm around me so I wouldn't fall over. I was still tired and half asleep. He never trusted me after we got off planes due to one time when I did pass out.

"So, Jaiden, we are packed today with interviews. Bryan Stars is one of the interviewers. He said that you could stay with him and be in the interview." Austin said. I nodded and leaned against Aaron. He gently kissed the side of my head. I smiled contently. We got all our bags before getting in a taxi. We rode to the venue, me on Aaron's lap the entire time. We finally arrived and got our stuff. We set it all in Of Mice's small dressing room before heading out to press. We went to Bryan's tent first. He was of course with Johnnie. The pair greeted us with hugs and the guys and I sat with Bryan on the couch.

Austin and Aaron were on either side of Bryan, the other three on the back
Of the couch, and me on the arm rest by Aaron. Everyone but Bryan wore their sunglasses. I was wearing an Of Mice tank top and shorts. I wasn't going to die of heat!

"Hey guys, it's Bryan! And I am here with Of Mice and Men with their special guest- Jaiden Rutabaga Pauley!" Bryan said. We all laughed at how he introduced me.

"Not yet, Bryan." Aaron said with a smile.

"Oh, so you're very excited!" Bryan said.

"Yeah. I think I'm more excited than Jai, actually." He smirked over at me, earning an eye roll.

"Watch it, babe." I warned him. He smiled up at me. "I'm very excited. But I'm still a Tasker." I said to Bryan. Bryan laughed at our behavior towards getting married.

"So, Insert Tittle and Of Mice, and new material we should be expecting?" Bryan asked.

"Uh, yeah. We've been in the studio making some demos since Thanksgiving. We should be picking a single after The New Year and releasing it sometime in January." Austin answered.

"And Insert?" Bryan asked.

"To be argued amongst the girls and I. We're yelling at each other about two songs and which will be our new single." I said. "No more than that."

"Okay, guys. If you were a food what would you be?" Bryan asked us all. I started laughing.

"Cat! Alan would be cat!" I yelled. Alan gasped and tried to push me off the couch. Aaron caught me just in time. Everybody was laughing- but Alan. "And Alexis isn't here to yell at me!" I grinned and stuck my tongue out at him.

"I would be sushi." Austin said. "Cause I constantly eat it. I LOVE SEAFOOD!" He exclaimed.

"I'd be like something like a salad or something." Phil said.

"I probably would be cat..." Alan said in defeat. I smirked and put my arm around Aaron's shoulders.

We continued the interview, eventually me winding up in Aaron's lap, Alan winding up in Austin's lap, and Phil draping his legs over Bryan's shoulders.

"Well, thank you guys! It's been fun! Any last words to the fans?" Bryan asked.

"Stay sassy!" I yelled. Aaron bit my shoulder. I turned to him. "Boy, what you doing?" I asked him.

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