Chapter One

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Chapter One: Wake Up In the Morning, Feeling Like Gee Way


My alarm went off to the sound of My Chemical Romance's Sleep. It freaks me the Wentz out, so it's perfect. I groaned and sat up. Then, my mom popped in.

"Jaiden. Time to get up. It's your last day of junior year." She said in a singing voice. I groaned and rolled off the bed. "Taryn is coming over later." She also reminded me. I jumped off the floor and got dressed, throwing on an Of Mice & Men shirt, acid washed denim shorts with rips, and white hightop Converse to match the writing.

I put my contacts in my grass green eyes, turning them a sea green. I don't wear colored contacts, it just happens. I brushed out my chest length brown hair before brushing my teeth. Mom was out blaring Jimmy Buffet and Panic! At the Disco from my Tower Speaker. I danced along to Fins by Jimmy Buffet as I got ready.

I ran out and grabbed a protein bar, my phone, wallet, and my bag before kissing my mom's cheek and running outside to my car. I started it and connected my phone to the small Bluetooth speaker, hitting "We Don't Have To Dance" by Andy Black. I sang along as I drove into Sheetz. I ran in and got a Rockstar before going to school. I parked my car and got out, only to be attacked by Noah- my annoying classmate.

"Good morning, Miss. Jackson!" He yelled, throwing an arm around my shoulders.

"I'm not the nasty one here, Noah." I reminded him. He sighed.

"Oh, how true." He said. He took my Rockstar and took a drink. He handed it back and kissed my cheek before running off. "See ya later, Jai!" He yelled back. I shook my head and took a big drink of the beverage in my hand and headed in. I saw Taryn when I walked in. I ran and jumped on her back and bit her neck.

"Wentzie!! I is here!" I yelled. She laughed and shook me off. I stood beside her drinking my Rockstar.

"Hello, Jacky-baby!" She yelled at me. I did a shrug with a grin on my face before taking another sip of Rockstar. "We going to the mall later?" She asked. I nodded. "I'll go tell Mikey and Frankie if you tell Riah." Mariah and Frankie, AKA Sydney, were the other two in our band. Abby was drums, Sydney was lead guitar, Taryn was rhythm guitar, Mariah sang, and then I was bass. Mikey, AKA Alexis, was our manager.

"Dealio Smith!" I joked. Taryn laughed and the bell rang out through the halls. We separated and ran to class. I sat down, only for Noah to sit on my lap once I reached class. I shook my head and wrapped my arms around his waist.

"Hi, Jaiden." He sighed and rested his head back on my shoulder.

"Noah, Jaiden, get off each other. If you want to have a conversation like that, then don't do it on my time. Go and get-" Our teacher was cut off by the rest of the class.

"A milkshake at Chick-Fil-a and talk." We all finished.

"No, actually. That kind of conversation is for Orange Julius." Mr. Morris, our teacher, corrected us. "Now, let us start our video for the day!"


After school, Taryn threw her stuff into my trunk.

"Leggo!" Taryn yelled. I nodded and got in the car. We then heard the back car doors open. Mariah and Alexis climbed in the backseat. "Go! Go! Go! I don't wanna take this slow!" Taryn yelled as I started driving off the high school's hill.

Eventually, we made it to the mall. I got my second energy drink of the day and we decided to go see a movie...

~ POV- Taryn ~


"BUT THE FIRE IS SOO DELIGHTFUL!" Mariah screamed back.

"LET IT SNOW. LET IT SNOW! LET JACK KISS MY BOOTASY!" Jaiden screamed. I saw somebody get up through Alexis' long brown hair.

She was sitting on me with her legs on Jaiden, who was just laying upside down in her seat. Abby also had her legs on Jaiden. Jai the Leg Lady!

The woman in front of us stood up and walked out.

"Bye!" Alexis called. "Have a FANTABULOUS day!" She said in a peppy voice, causing us four to laugh hysterically. We were interrupted my somebody clearing their throat.

"Excuse me, but I'm gonna have to ask you to leave." A movie attendant said.

"But we paid to be here!" Mariah reasoned.

"And so did these other people who actually WANT to watch the movie." The attendant retorted.

"Humph. Toche," Mariah whined.

"SHAYLEY!!" Jaiden screamed. "MY PRECIOUS AND SWEET SHAYLEY DAYSHELL BOURGET!" She screamed. We all got up and left, dragging a screaming (about the Shayley VS. Aaron feud she had going on internally for a few years) Jaiden.


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