Chapter Sixty One

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Chapter Sixty One:
Home Is Such A Lonely Place

~POV: Jaiden~

After a few months of hell, I walked through the door of my apartment. I collapsed to the floor and sighed.

"Almost home." I said. Aaron wasn't expected back for three more days. When he came back- it was all in the home stretch.

He had told me Adam wanted to do our wedding pictures. Invitations had been sent out before Aaron left for tour. I got all the RSVPs and made a list. I'd have to take care of some things on my own. Until then, however, I needed help getting up. And who do you call when you're stuck on the floor?

I got my phone out and called.

"Shayco." I whined. "I'm on the floor!"

"Jai, I don't give a crap." Jordan was the one on the phone.

"Why? I need help!" I said.

"You're in your twenties. You'll be fine." He said.

"I'm hungover." I lied. His tone completely changed.

"I'll be over with Shay in a few." He then hung up. I stayed on the floor until I heard Shayley sigh.

"Poor little Jaiden." He said. I put my arms around and the boys pulled me up. I fell into Shay's arms and he hugged me tightly. "I missed you, Debby, the girls, Of Mice, everybody!" Shay whispered. "You left me with Jordan!"

I chuckled, "Sorry, Shayco." I apologized. He shrugged.

"I suppose I forgive you." He sighed. I smiled.

"Yay!" I joked, giggling slightly.

"You seem sleepy." Shay noticed. I nodded. He picked me up, my legs wrapped around his waist. "You've gotten lighter." He said in surprise. "You already weighed close to nothing, but now!" Shayley exclaimed.

"I haven't been eating like I should. Or sleeping... Or anything I'm really supposed to do..." I admitted. "Tour was avoiding 5SOS, taking care of last minute wedding details over Skype with Aaron, trying to work on the new album, playing bass, doing press, and stressing out." I explained. Shay sighed deeply.

"Aaron will be disappointed when he notices how much weight you've lost." He said.

"I went from 140 to 120 in three months." I said. Twenty pounds made a difference. Fans had kinda noticed. They said how thin I was in real life, but I just thought nothing of it until one night I weighed myself. Life was too fast for me to keep up and on top of my schedule.

Jordan followed Shayley back the hall to my room. Shay laid me down on my bed and the two sat on my bed. Jordan put his hand on my leg in an older brotherly way. He was worried, too. I could tell.

"Jaid, take a step back from life for a bit. Rest before Aaron gets home. No more wedding prep until he gets home. Understood?" Shayley said. I nodded. "Good. Get some sleep." The pair got up and left my room, closing the door behind them. I laid thinking.

I missed Aaron so much. Once he got back, we'd be looking for a place together and everything would be madness up until two days before the wedding. I sighed and tried to sleep.


A few hours later, my goal had been accomplished and I was back up. I pulled myself off my bed and walked out to get started on laundry. I was shocked to find it done. I walked into the living room to see everything cleaned and the two sitting on the couch watching TV.

"Thank you." I told them in awe. They smiled at me.

"No problem, Jaiden." Jordan said. "Now, let's go get groceries and food!" He declared, getting off the couch. I was drug out, grabbing my keys and wallet on the way. Shay closed the door behind him and we all piled in Shay's truck. I sat in the middle of the front seats between Shay and Jordan.

We went to my favorite restaurant and then went shopping. I was grateful to get home. I was grateful to have two amazing friends as Jordan and Shay. We got the groceries inside and put away.

"Be sure to shower and put your clothes away, alright? Then rest." Shay told me before hugging me. Jordan hugged me next. The two left, leaving me alone. I went and put my clean clothes away before getting to the shower.

I felt refreshed and calm when I got out. I put on my pajamas and brushed my hair. I got my laptop out and went into the living room. I turned it on and got on Skype. I called Aaron and he immediately answered.

"Hey, baby!" He greeted me happily. His hair was getting shaggy and longer. I wasn't loving it, but he was refusing to get it cut until he got home. He had a layer of stumble from not shaving for a month or two. He still was beautiful, though.

"Hey!" I greeted him back, a grin on my face.

"Happy to be home?" He asked, a smile on his lips.

"I'm at my apartment, but not home yet. It's not home without you." I admitted with a shrug. He frowned slightly.

"I wish I was there with you, believe me." He said. His eyes glistened with tears. "Just a few more days. Okay? Three days until the home show and I'll be home for good." Aaron promised. Both bands were taking six months off to rest up and just be with our significant other.

"Yeah. Three days." I took a deep breath. Then I groaned. "I just figured out that my family will be coming and staying again. And others will be in the area. And everybody from back home will be coming and..." I growled in frustration. I had forgotten completely. Aaron laughed.

"Well, yeah. But not in the next fifteen days. We'll have time to ourselves." He said. "It's hard to believe that almost a eleven months of waiting is almost over." I nodded in agreement. Then, we were interrupted by a Tino head.

"Hi, J-Ruta! What's up?!" Tino yelled, a crazy grin plastered on his face. I laughed loudly.

"Tino!" I screamed. He laughed, too.

"Guys! He's talking to Jaiden!" Tino yelled. Soon the other three men were crowded around Aaron's laptop.

"Hey, girl, hey!" Alan sang. Austin waved and Phil smiled.

"Hey, guys! Ready to come home?" I asked. They all quickly nodded. Aaron did a pout. "What, Pauley? You wanna stay out on the road?" I teased. He shook his head vigorously.

"No way! I love seeing fans, but I love you more!" Aaron said. The guys groaned.

"It gets worse after the wedding." Austin reminded them. That called for another groan. I laughed.

"You boys get rested up. Can't wait to see you." I said. "Good night!" I yelled. They call called back their good byes before I hung up. A second later, I got a text from Aaron.

"I didn't get to say I love you. :(" It Read. Then he called. I answered.

"I love you." He said.

"I love you, too." I said with a smile.

"Night, Jai."

"Good night, Aaron." I whispered before hanging up. I walked back to my room and curled up on my bed. I pulled the covers over my body before drifting off to thoughts of Aaron coming home.

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