Chapter Seventy Seven

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Chapter Seventy Seven:

~POV: Jaiden~

I was up early. And by early: I mean up at seven. I mean, Aaron wasn't even up. I tried to go back to sleep, but I couldn't. Aaron's arms were tightly wrapped around me, holding me to him securely. I sighed a little and cuddled into his chest, trying to go back to bed again. I then had the sudden bad urge to pee. I moved Aaron's arm from around me and went to the bathroom. I peed and walked back out.

I saw Aaron was on his back and sprawled out. I laughed quietly and grabbed my phone. I took a picture of him and saved it. I kissed his lips softly before walking out of the bedroom. I tip toed down the hallway to check on Jillian. She was peacefully asleep on her bed. I smiled and shut her door before going downstairs. I walked into my office and sighed. I didn't want to be here. I sighed and walked back upstairs to Aaron's office. I sat down in his chair and inhaled.

The room smelled like Aaron. I smiled and sat back. He had sticky notes on his desk reminding him of things. He had a picture of him and his family from a few years ago, a picture of the two of us on our wedding day, a very old picture of him and his grandfather, and a picture of the band. I grinned at the pictures. I looked over the sticky notes on the desk. I looked over Aaron's beautiful cursive handwriting, a grin slowly creeping onto my face.

I found his green sticky notes and a black pen. I wrote him a note. My cursive wasn't as good, but it was legible.

"I love you, looser." I signed JP at the bottom, doing my P like he does his before sticking it at the bottom on the one row. I got on his computer, putting in his password. It unlocked, taking me to the homepage. His background was a selfie we had taken, both of us doing funny faces. I chuckled and clicked on Google Chrome. I looked through the notes on Aaron's desk. I saw one that caught my eye.

"DELETE THE PHOTOS!" It read it bright red pen. I raised an eyebrow. I decided it was time to find out. I went through his photos and oh what I found was gorgeous. Aaron from a few years ago. My husband had taken nudes. I squealed when I found them.

They were from several years ago. He still had longer hair and he didn't have his tattoos. I covered my mouth. I could tell I was blushing pretty badly. I wound up emailing them to myself. I could feel my heart racing. I got out my phone and called Alexis.

"Rutabaga, what?" She answered groggily.

"Mikey, I just found Aaron's nudes." I said, my breathing terribly uneven.

"Eh! Good for you, Mrs. Pauley!" She said. I shook my head furiously.

"Not good. They're from a few years ago and it's not even eight in the morning!" I yelled. She laughed.

"Calm down. Go give him a blowjob or something. Just let me sleep." She told me.

"Baby! Go back to sleep. Ally cat wants to cuddle." I heard Alan saying in the background.

"Bye, Rutabaga." Mikey said before hanging up. I groaned and sat back in Aaron's chair, terribly frustrated.

I wound up taking a very cold shower. That woke Aaron up. He walked into the bathroom, his hair a mess. He put his hand under the water. He yanked it back, feeling how cold it was.

"Baby, why are you taking a cold shower?" He asked groggily.

"I am very... frustrated." I said. He hummed a response. "It's your fault. I was down in your office." I hinted. "And I saw your... pictures." I finished nonchalantly. Aaron ripped back the curtain, his eyes wide.

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