Chapter Seventy

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Chapter Seventy:

~POV: Jaiden~

"And I am finished!" I yelled, pushing myself back from my desk. My chair rolled across the floor. I was spun around, laughing and wooing.

"Babe, you okay?"
Aaron called down. I laughed.

"I finished the album!" I called back. I now just had to send it to Sleeping's label for the business side. I sighed in happiness that it was over. Aaron came down the stairs.

"So, now what do you do?" He asked. "Or, what do you want to do now?"

"I don't know." I admitted. "It's only ten, so." He smiled.

"I'm thinking we go call Austin and Taryn and they come over and hang out." Aaron said. I nodded.

"Yay! Friends!" I said. He walked over and sat on my lap.

"But first..." He trailed off. He then stood and picked me up before taking my seat, pulling me onto his lap. He pressed his lips to mine. He kissed me passionately. I kissed him back with the same amount of emotion.

He put his hand on my waist and the other on my thigh. I let my hands wonder around his chest as we made out. He bit my lip softly, asking for entrance. I allowed it without a second thought. His tongue explored my mouth. I let my hand wander into his hair, tugging gently. He bit down on my lip in shock. I smirked and took dominance. I put my tongue in Aaron's mouth and explored his mouth. He picked me up, my legs wrapping around his waist tightly. He broke away and started kissing my neck.

"I don't th-think we can make it to the bedroom." He said through a moan. I let go of my hold around his waist and landed on the ground. I started walking up the stairs, pulling him with me.

We got up the stairs and Aaron grabbed my waist, spinning me around before putting his lips to my neck again. Aaron fell on top of me and we crashed to the floor. We didn't care. Aaron got over me and kissed me deeply and passionately.

He moved away from my lips and kissed my neck, making me moan. My back arched as he started to grind his hips against mine. I grabbed his hair. He sucked on my neck and I pushed him off of me before getting on top of him and taking domination. Then, the door was opened.

"Aaron? Jai- Oh my goodness!" Sherry was yelling. Aaron and I flew apart to see Sherry standing in the front doorway. Aaron groaned and pulled down his shirt in attempt to hide his erection.

"What?" I answered, pretending like nothing happened.

"I-I-I was wondering if you two could watch the kids later." She stuttered out.

"We have friends coming over. I finished on the album. It just needs sent off so we're celebrating." I said.

"I can see that." Sherry mumbled. "Okay. Well, thanks anyways." She said before shutting the door and leaving. Aaron was cherry red.

"That didn't just happen." He muttered.

"It did." I said. He groaned.

"Great." He said, laying back on the floor. I climbed on top of him and went right back to where we were.


~POV: Aaron~

I was breathing heavily as I laid beside my wife. She was heavily coming down from her high. Mine was gone. I pulled her body close to mine, holding her. She eventually came down from the high and was breathing heavily. I ran my fingers through her slightly sweat soaked hair.

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