Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter Thirteen: She's mine!
You stay away from her
It's not her time

(POV: Jaiden)

I woke up the next morning before Aaron. I smiled and slowly pulled out of his grip. I slid down to the floor and walked out to learn that we were still driving. I yawned and noticed that Alexis was passed out on the couch and Alan was asleep on the floor. I shook my head and walked to the small kitchen.

I found the Booty Loops, got a bowl, poured the Booty Loops in the bowl, and slid in the booth. I got on Twitter and sat munching on my delectable cereal. Austin walked out in his pajama pants and no shirt and slid in the booth beside me. He put his arm around me.

"Selfie!" He said. He took out his phone and took a photo of us. Luckily, I smiled and looked up just in time.

"Just try and Snipe me! I am the Jaiden Rutabaga. And I'm always flawless." I said. He frowned and still posted the picture. I got a Twitter and Instagram notification.

'@JaidenRutabaga @aaronpauley I stole yo girl!' Then the picture of us. I favorited the Tweet then RTed it. I took out my phone and leaned against Austin and took a picture. He was trying to lick my head and I was laughing. It was a good picture.

'@austincarlile LOOK AT DIS FOOL!' I sent it out. A minute later, I had a message from somebody unexpected.

'Hey, Jaiden. Figured I'd text you. Why are you with Austin? ~Shay.' Shayley Bourget and I had stumbled upon each other on Twitter about two years before.

He had produced our first EP after my youth pastor produced our demos that we had sent to Shay. Shay and I were great friends. I knew he'd be a bit ticked off that we were with Of Mice.

'Call me.' I sent. A second later, he did.

"Austin, is anyone in the back lounge?" I asked. He shook his head and let me out. I answered my phone. "Hey, Shayco." I greeted him as I walked back through the bunks.

"Hey, Jai. Why are you with Austin?" He asked

"Warped Tour." I simply said.

"You guys are playing Warped?!" Shay exclaimed.

"No... We're with Of Mice for Warped." I said.

"Why did Austin tweet Aaron that you're his girl now?" He asked.

"Because I'm Aaron's girl." I opened the door to the back lounge to see Mariah and Phil passed out naked in a puddle of semen. "I am going to rub Mariah and Phil's noses in their own semen." I grumbled.

"That was funny." Shayley laughed. "First off the Mariah and Phil thing, second you and Aaron."

"Both are true. Mariah and Phil have sex everywhere. And Aaron and I are together." I said as I left the back lounge. The bus had stopped. I walked outside to continue my phone call.

"You and Aaron just seems funny. You're just Jaiden, and he's Aaron. He's destined to be with Amanda. You, we don't know." He said.

"Are you jealous I'm with Aaron? Cause you sure as hell sound it." I spat.

"Jaiden! That's not true!" He said.

"Are you mad that we're with your old band?!"


"Then what is it, Shayley?!" I yelled.

"Fine! I am jealous of Aaron! I missed my chance! Okay?! I get it! I'm in love with you, Jaiden! I have been since I met you! Jaiden Rose Tasker, I am in love with you, dammit!" He yelled. I stood shocked.

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