Chapter Fourty

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Chapter Forty:
Leave Me Be

~POV: Jaiden~

I was shook awake by Mom. I groaned and rolled over to cuddle into Aaron's bare chest.

"Jaiden, we're going Black Friday shopping. Come on and get dress." Mom said. She wound up waking Aaron up, too.

"Jai!" He groaned. "Just go with her so she'll shut up!" He mumbled, pushing me away. I groaned.

"Fine! No kiss for you this morning!" I decided, getting up. Aaron then grabbed my waist and pulled me back down.

"Good morning, beautiful." He whispered softly, then placed his lips to mine.

"Good morning, handsome." I mumbled into the kiss.

"Have fun today. Be good. Don't die or kill anybody." He mumbled back into the kiss. We deepened the kiss so neither of us could talk. I smiled into the kiss. He straight kiss me one last time. "Go get dressed." He told me.

"I love you, Aaron." I whispered to him, gently pushing his hair back off his face.

"I love you, too, Jaiden. Now go so I can sleep. I'm still so tired from last night." He complained before rolling over.

"Good night, baby." I softly kissed his neck. "I'll see you this evening and we can do something together. Maybe even start wedding planning..." He shook his head at me.

"Go!" He said. I laughed lightly and kissed his neck one more time before getting ready. I quietly shut my bedroom door and walked out to the kitchen.

"There's toast for you on the counter." Mom said. I looked over to see Mom and Kellie sitting at the bar. I nodded and grabbed my toast. "We're taking your car. It's bigger and has the most room." I grabbed a pen and a notepad out of the drawer and wrote Aaron a note. I put it under a magnet on the fridge. I began to walked out the door, grabbing my phone, wallet, and keys on the way out. Mom and Kellie soon followed. I got in my 09 Explorer and Mom got in the passenger side as Kellie got in the back. We drove to the outlets and started to walked down through.

We hit down one strip and by that time, it was around one. We decided to get some lunch at subway. We ordered and sat down together.

"Woo. Last time I'll complain about being on stage, too long. I can at least act like I'm trying to be funny and sit on the riser. Or make fun of Shayley for wearing Asics on stage." I sighed. Kellie smiled while my mom shook her head.

"Oh, Jaiden." She sighed. "We need to get a selfie." She decided. I put my head in my hands.

"Oh, Mother. Fine." I got out my phone and turned the camera so it could fit the three of us. I sent it to Mom and posted it on social media with the caption, "Spending Black Friday with two of my favorite women." And then I also sent the picture to Aaron. "Oh! I need to stop by Guitar Center to pick up something for Aaron." I remembered.

"What are you planning on getting him?" Kellie asked.

"Actually, I ordered it specially for him." I smiled. "Just need to pick it up." I picked up half of my sandwich and bit into it. We talked about what we had found as we ate. We finished up and threw away our trash and started to walk out. A girl ran up to us.

"Wait! Jaiden! Wait!" The three of us turned.

"Yes?" I asked.

"Can I get a picture with you?" She asked.

"Sure. What's your name, dear?" I smiled at her.

"Megan." She said taking her phone out. She took the picture.

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