Chapter Thirty Six

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Chapter Thirty Six:

~POV: Jaiden~

"Aaron." I gently called to my boyfriend. "Aaron." I gently kissed his lips. "It's time to get up." I told him softly. "We're going to see some people today...." I said. He groaned and rolled over. I straddled his waist and kissed down his chest. "Pleeeeeease get up?" I begged. "I'll make pancakes..." I bribed.

"Promise?" He asked. I kissed his neck.

"Promise. I'm gonna go get them started." I said. I got off him and walked out. I found his pancake mix and got it ready then put it in the pan. I flipped the pancake while humming Heroes by All Time Low. I felt arms wrap around my waist. "So now you're up?" I asked, turning around to him. He nodded and gently kissed me.

I kissed back before pulling away and turning back to the pancake. I flipped it out of the pan and onto a plate before putting another on. Aaron kissed my neck as he took his plate and grabbed a fork. My phone beeped and I flipped the pancake before checking it. It was a text from Shayley.

"Hey, can you and Aaron come to mine and Berlin's tonight?" It read. I text back that we'd see before putting the other pancake on Aaron's plate again.

"I'll see you in a bit. I've gotta go get ready." I kissed his cheek before leaving to my apartment.

I straightened my hair before putting on my acid washed skinny jeans, a black shirt, and my leather jacket. I put on some eyeliner and mascara before putting on my black vans and grabbing my keys and phone. I walked back over to Aaron's apartment and opened the door. Aaron walked out wearing black skinny jeans, a white shirt, combat boots, and a leather jacket.

I smiled and walked up to him. I grabbed his jacket on either sides of his zipper and pulled his lips to mine. We kissed deeply and passionately. His arms wrapped around my waist and pulled my body closer to his. I pushed his jacket back a bit and ran my hands down his stomach to his pants. He ran his hands down my curves. We slowly pulled away for air. Aaron rested his forehead against mine.

"Hello, beautiful." He greeted me.

"Hi, babe." I smiled at him. He smiled back before kissing me softly again. I put my hands on his hips. "Ready to go?"

"Yep. Wait- you're wearing eyeliner and mascara... Jaiden..." He said.

"Yes... Come on." We walked down to his car and got in. I started to tap on my thigh before Aaron put his hand over mine to stop me. I glanced at him apologetically.

He smiled before turning on the radio. Nirvana came through the speakers. I played with Aaron's fingers to keep myself from tapping. We talked through the short drive. We pulled up outside the house, both of us getting out of the car. A familiar woman ran out of the house.

"Aaron! Jaiden!" She yelled.

"Hi, mom!" Aaron yelled. They hugged for a few minutes while I stood awkwardly. Kellie walked over to me and hugged me. I hugged back.

"Hi, Kellie." I greeted her. We pulled away.

"Come on, kids. Come on in!" She said, walking in front of us. Aaron put his hand on the small of my back as we followed her into the house. We took off our shoes and jackets before following Kellie up the stairs.

Aaron kept his hand on my back the entire way up. We walked into the kitchen with Kellie.

"Aaron, your dad is in his cave. He said he wanted to talk to you about something." Kellie told her son. Aaron nodded and left. "So, Jaiden. How have things been since I saw you last?" We had seen each other in August for Aaron's birthday. It had been a fun night- especially for Aaron.

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