Part 13 ~

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You drive around for longer than you thought you would. It's been almost an hour in the taxi and your begining to get worried about where Lucy is taking you. You really hope it's not somewhere with loads of people, especially boys, your not that good in those kind of situations, unlike Lucy. She has lots of confidence and could be friends with almost anybody, where as your the shy one. Well.. Compared next to Lucy anyway! That's one of reasons why your best friends, one of you will always be there to support and encourage the other in many different situations. 

It's dark now and your begining to wonder whether you will ever arrive at this mysterious place Lucy is taking you. You look out the window of the taxi and realize that your slowing down, until you gradually pull over.  

You unbuckle and step out the car. Where are you?? Your on the outskirts of London possiably, as a house, almost as big as your hotel, rests before you, in the middle of a field surrounded by a dense wood. You can hear the sound of music coming from the house, and as you step closer it grows louder. 

"where the hell are we??" you ask Lucy grinning, you don't have a clue what's going on. 

"just on the outskirts of London.." I guess you were right then, "nice isn't it?!" she replies smiling.  

"yeah, yeah it is!" you say laughing. "Lucy who's house is this?" you ask. 

"you'll see.." she says grabbing your arm, "come on!"  

You walk up to the front steps and Lucy rings the door bell. As the door opens the blast of the music hits you, just like it would in a club. "Lucy! (yourname)! You guys made it!" jen says from the doorway exitedly. You just look at her, what were you supposed to say?! You had completely blanked her, hurt one of her best friends, and now you have turned up at what you assume is one of her parties. 

You look at Lucy. She seems to read your mind as she nudges you back to reality and gives you an encouraging smile. You must of had guilt written all over your face as when you turn back to Jen she pulls you in for a hug. You hug her tightly back. It feels good. You lean back to tell Jen your sorry for everything but before you can say anything she speaks.  

"(yourname), you have nothing to apologize for. So please don't try." 

You look at her and smile. Jen was such a nice person it was un true!! That hug you just gave her was all the apology you needed. 

"so are we coming in then?? I'm freezing!" Lucy says shivering and you and Jen laugh at her.  

"yeah course" Jen replies winking at her. 

"oh wait!!" you say quickly getting both Jen and lucy's attention, as something has just accured to you. "Will Josh be in there?? I don't think I could face up to him anytime soon after what has happened today!" you say embarressed. "no, I didn't think it would be best." Jen says back with sympathy in her voice. Sligtly relieved you take a deep breath and walk through the door in to the house.  

"so is this your house Jen??" you ask as Jen leads you over to the dance floor. "no, it's one of the directors friends house that he said we could use. I mean, if we come to one of the most famous cities in the world we have to have at least one party, right!??! Even if it's not in a club in the city!!" Jen says laughing and you smile at her. This could end up being a pretty good night. You remeet a couple of the cast members and speak to some of the peope that helped in the making of the film catching fire. After around 20 minutes of singing and dancing you begin to get thirsty.  

"I'm just getting a drink" you shout over the music to Lucy and Jen who nod there heads. You walk over to the drinks table and pour yourself some coke, as you don't want to end up hung over the next day. You turn around to make your way back to Jen and Lucy when a sight makes you stop. Your hear your glass shatter as it hits the ground, his eyes meet yours, and you are suddenly unable to move.

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