Part 25 ~

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Hey everyone!!                                                                                                                

Hope you are all ok, I have Wi-Fi for like an hour so I was like.. Hey, I'll update:)

Sorry for spelling mistakes and stuff I haven't had time to check it.

Remember to comment, love reading your opinions :)

As soon as you get to school you keep your head down. You weren't unpopular at school but all the same not popular. You just hoped not many people had seen the article in the magazine!

When you get to your locker you swiftly open it, grabbing the books you need for your first class as well as your pencil case.

"Liv.." You hear Lucy say beside you.

"Yeah-" you turn around to face her and notice how quite the hallway is. Everyone is looking at you, either taking quick glances before hurrying away or full on staring at you. It was freaking you out.

"This is exactly what I didn't want to happen" you whisper to Lucy worriedly. Nobody would treat you the same, at least not for a while!

"Come on, lets just go to class-"

"Well well well.. Look who came back from London" Chloe says harshly stepping in front of you, blocking your way to class.

"What do you want Chloe?" You say just as harshly. You and Chloe used to be quite good friends, until she got noticed. As soon as that happened things had never been the same. She would begin to pick on you, turning a few people against you for no apparent reason. From then on she was always associated as the schools bimbo in your eyes!

"Nothing in particular" she says shrugging, "just wondering how much you payed to get this ridiculous story printed" smirking, she shoves the magazine in your face.

"What do you mean payed?" Lucy says grabbing the magazine of Chloe, "I was there, this all happened!!"

"Lucy it's ok-" you say grabbing her arm attempting to make her calmer, "we don't have to prove anything to her"

"See girls-" Chloe says giggling sourly towards her friends behind her, "all lies"

"Now hang on a minute-" Lucy begins to shout, making the hallway fill up more in the anticipation of fight. You squeeze her arm slightly making her look at you.

"It's fine" you say reassuringly "honestly"

"Yeah well the last time you said you were fine you were crying in a hotel room" she whispers harshly.

"Please don't bring that up" you whisper back.

She just shakes her head, "I'm sorry, but I just really hate this" she says before walking off to her class.

"Aww has team Liv and luce split" Chloe says sarcastically earning a laugh from her friends. You turn and start walking away from her. 

"Good for you, ditching the freak while you still can-"

"Right that's it" you say, taking a step closer to her and raising your hand. "Don't you dare talk shit about my friends! You can talk to me like I'm crap because to be perfectly honest I don't give a damn what you think Chloe! But when you bring my friends into this your even more of a stupid bimbo than I thought! Lucy is one of my best friends and has been there for me when nobody else was! Call her freak again and I will bitch slap you so hard even your grandchildren will be able to feel it"  

As soon as you have finished yelling at her you storm of, leaving her in the middle of the hallway gobsmacked. 

You hear a few people cheering and wolf whistling as you make your way out, making you smirk even wider. 

Well... That was good to get of your chest!

The Perfect Dream (Josh Hutcherson) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now