Part 17 ~

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The smell of coffee hits you as you walked into starbucks!

"Omg i love the smell of starbucks!" you say to Josh making him laugh, "Seriously if i could marry starbucks i would!!"

You both walk up to the counter to order, then you go get a table while Josh waits for your drinks. Soon he returns with your milky beverage.

"So, y/n what do you want to do today?" Josh asks you, taking a sip of his own drink.

"Well, i need to go back to fetch Lucy, but other than that nothing. I think we'll probably go site seeing as its our last night in London.."

Josh starts spluttering on his drink, "wait what!! Tonight is your last night?!" he asks shocked.

"Well, yeah.. i mean. i have to you know, get back to real life.. and you know.. school" you sigh. Apart from the "incident" you had thoroughly enjoyed your time here at London, but you needed to get back to your school life and your parents. If you stayed any longer they would freak!!

"Well what are we doing in here then?!" Josh says jumping up, grabbing your arm pulling you up with him.

"Huh? What are you-"

"y/n its your last official day in London! We have to make it special!" and with that he pulls you out of the shop and into the busy streets of London.

You quickly jump into a taxi, sipping your drink as you make your way back to the massive house where the party was last night. As soon as you arrive Josh pays for the taxi and you run inside the house.

"Morning y/n!" Lucy says as soon as she see's you!

"Hey, finally woke up then!" you smirk at her.

"Can you guys talk quieter please, i have a head ache" Jen says and you hear Josh enter the house behind you, "well well well, where have you two been?" she smirks.

"Starbucks if you really must know" Josh replies, sticking his tongue out at her.

"Where's Sam?" You ask, you haven't seen him all morning.

"He's still asleep on the sofa.." Jen replies. You look at Josh and he's smirking just as much as you. Following your league, you both go and get a couple of pans and metal spoons out of a cupboard in the kitchen before making your way towards the living room.

Lucy and Jen realize what you are doing and in no time at all have got pans of there own. "We are masters in crime.." you smirk at Josh who grins back.

"Exactly what i was thinking!" Josh replies.

"on the count of three"






"WAKE UP SHAKE YOUR BOOTY WAKE UP SHAKE YOUR BOOTY" You all shout different things at Sam, banging your metal pans wildly.

Sam jumps up from the coach shrieking, clutching his head.. shouldn't of drank so much last night!

"ughhh.. what the hell guys!!" He moans.

"Come on get up Sam.." Josh says grinning, "we have a busy day ahead of us!"

The Perfect Dream (Josh Hutcherson) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now