Part 4 ~

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The end credits come on and the lights are no longer dimmed. A large round of applause breaks out. You clap and cheer loudly with Lucy and Josh just looks at you and laughs. You would think that after you fell over a celebrity and then walked up the red carpet with them that you would be a little more dignified but you felt completely comfortable with Josh, like you have known him your whole life. So you just laugh with him.  

A middleaged woman comes up to your seats and whisks Josh away to speak with the director and producer of the film. "Sorry about this" he says as he removes his arm from around your shoulder and walks off after the woman. 

People begin to get up and leave and you soon follow behind. Its be an amazing night and you guess thats the end of it now the film has ended, so you and Lucy slowly follow the croud of people making there way to the exit.  

"Wow" you say and grin up at her. 

"Yeah wow!" she replies in the same tone as yours. "Omg (yourname) what the hell just happened? One minute your cheering next to me the next your lying on the floor with Josh Hutcherson on top off you! Then we are both on the red carpet getting our pictures taken and you.. your bloody holding hands with the guy!!" She says all this rushed which makes you smile. Its has been a couple of hours since the event took place and you can tell its been killing her keeping this information in! Your feet are still shuffling forward slowly as the ever moving crowd are still taking there time. 

"Omg Lucy i can't believe it either, sseriously! Am i awake or is this just a dream?" 

A wide smile spreads across her face and she pinches you hard on the arm.  

"Ouchhh, god Lucy that well hurt!!" you say hitting her hard across the arm then rubbing your own to try and get rid of the pain. Lucy just laughs then says "I was just checking for you, and your welcome." 

I giggle at her. She does make me smile at the best of times! 

"I'm just sad its all over." you say. 

"What do you mean?" 

"I mean that was deffintly a one time thing wasn't it? Just for fun? Things like that never happen and if they do they don't last long. I mean, I doubt that i will ever see him again and i seriously doubt he wants to see me.." 

"And why would you think that?" Josh says. He was standing right behind you making you jump in shock.  

"Gosh Josh you really scared me!!" you say, playfully smacking him on the arm.  

"Sorry" he says laughing, but he deffintly isn't sorry that he made you jump. You smile at him.  

"So why do you think that i wouldn't want to see you again?" he asks, changing from a playful to a serious tone. His brow deep in in confusion. 

You turn around to Lucy for support but she isn't there. God damn her. She has woundered off to leave you 'alone' with the one person you don't want to embarress yourself in front of, despite the fact that its too late, but she would be the one to help you pick the pieces up! Help you not look like an idiot again.  

"(yourname)?" Josh says, touching your arm gently. 

Crap, you must of been doing the fish stare again! gormless and expressionless while you think things over.  

"Sorry, what?" you say. God that sounds stupid! But you quickly forget about it when Josh smiles and laughs quietly at you. You return his smile. 

"Why do you think that i wouldn't want to see you again?" he asks again. You stare at him before replying. "Its.. its just... things like that don't happen to girls like me" Josh looks you in the eyes, those deep hazel eyes! You could stare into them all day. You feel his warm hands on your shoulders, as they gently move down to your elbows and then your hands, intwining his fingers in yours.  

"Well thats obviously wrong because its happening to you. Thats if you want to see me again." he whispers. You can't believe your ears. Are you hearing things or did Josh Hutcherson just say that he would like to see you... YOU... again?!  


"Crap i've got to stop doing that" you say outloud. 

"What?" Josh asks, a amused expression on his face. 

"The fish stare" you reply. OMG you can't believe you just said that, so embaressing!! Josh bursts out laughing and smiles at you for a long time before speaking again.  

"Do you have a mobile?" he asks and you hand it over to him. He gets a pen out of his pocket and scriblles something down on his hand, your number! He then types something into your mobile and hands it you back. You murmer your thanks.  

"Can i give you and Lucy a lift back to your hotel?" You nod and he takes one of your hands firmly in his grip. He says good bye to some of his co-mates of the film and some important people while you find Lucy. You all then jump into Josh's car. You arrive back at your hotel in no time. You open the car door and get out. Josh is standing outside, leaning against the window. Lucy gets out of the opposite side 

as slowly as possiable to give Josh just enough time to whisper one last thing in your ear. 

"Until the next time beautiful. But i promise you it won't be long."

Hope you liked part four of my imagine. I'd love to hear some feedback!! :)

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