Authors note:

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I just wanted to say some things before i upload (hopefully tonight) and i really appreciate it if your one of the people who are actually reading this.

In hindsight of the whole twitter fiasco and 'crazy about one direction' documentary i just wanted to say i am nothing like that. Yes i love one direction.. Why wouldn't i? ;)

Its just they mentioned some stuff about the whole fanfic imagine thingy and how it was a desire every girl wanted. Sure it would be pretty awesome if it came true, but (personally) well i know that's never going to happen to me.

I wright these stories for the enjoyment of others and seeing the reactions from people towards my writing, because i do love writing. Its what i espier to be when I'm older.

I honestly love all the people who support me in this and i hope i don't offend anyone in any way. I love you all so much :) xx

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