Part 39 ~

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Sorry it's late up, I was exhausted and fell asleep before I could update. Then my wattpad decided to be weird and not let me update
Oh my god guys, only 5 chapters left (I've added an extra chapter) :(

Until the sequel.. Yayy ;) Haha anyway hope you enjoy

Last night had been absolutely perfect, you couldn't of asked for a better first date with Josh. The only possible bad thing was that Josh had told you he had to be going back to America soon. And real soon. You were so happy that you had managed to spend the last few days with Josh, and the way you both wanted to spend it. You just couldn't believe he was leaving so soon.

You hear your doorbell ring from downstairs and so you jog down the stairs, opening the door widely.

"Hey beautiful" Josh says smiling widely, stepping into your house a shopping bag in hand.

"Hey ugly" you reply winking at him.

"Well then.." josh says, turning round and heading back towards the door.

"i was joking" you say, grabbing hold of his arm turning him round. You new full well that he was messing with you.

"well i don't believe you" he says dramatically.

"What do you want me to say?" By the smirk on Josh's face you knew you shouldn't of said that.

"well... you could say that i'm the most sexiest man in the world"

"But.. my mum always told me not to tell lies" you say pouting like a child. Josh gently hits your arm before walking into your living room, making himself comfortable.

"ah well, you win" he grins, patting the sofa next to him in which you sit on, crossing your legs facing him.

"so, i was thinking movie day" Josh says excitedly, emptying the shopping bag onto the table.

About 6 films fell out, along with packets of sweets, crisps and popcorn.

"We do have food you know" you smirk at Josh, jumping off the sofa to get some bowls from the kitchen, before emptying the packets into them. Josh replies by sticking his tongue out.. mature.

"Ok, so which film do you want to watch?" you ask.

"Ermm, how about pitch perfect?" You love that film, fat amy is just hilarious!

You pop the DVD in the machine before making yourself comfortable on the sofa. Josh wraps his arm around you and you snuggle into his chest.

Roughly an hour and half later (and whole lot of throwing popcorn at each others faces while the other person wasn't looking) you had put another DVD in. Only, josh didn't seem himself, if anything he seemed quite nervous and agitated.

"Josh.." You say turning around to face him, placing a hand on his chest.


"Are you ok?" Josh looks at you for a second before sighing, rubbing his head with his hands before turning around to face you fully.

"I've.. I've had to book a flight home.."

"Oh.. When's your flight?" You ask nervously.

"It's.. It's tonight"

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