Part 43 ~

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This is the last chapter of this series!


Thank you, hope you enjoy!!

"I'm going to miss you so much" Lucy says as she hugs you one last time. Your flight to LA was boarding.

"I'm going to miss you too- even though its only for a week" you chuckle as you let her go, slinging your bag over your shoulder. Sure it was only a week.. Not that long. It was just you had never been away from Lucy for that long, you were inseparable!

She smiles reassuringly at you as you walk over to the back of the Que.

The last two days had past by so slow, but it was finally Sunday. Finally you were getting the chance to see josh.

You hand the lady at the entrance to the terminal your plane ticket and passport.

"Hey, I recognise you-" she says as she opens up your passport, "yeah your- your Livia. Aren't you going out with Josh Hutcherson?"

"Yeah, yeah I am" you reply nervously, you were worried with what she might say next... Hater or supporter?

"Well I think you make a lovely couple" she says smiling, handing back your passport. Supporter it is then! You break into a smile.

"Thank you, it means a lot to me" You glance back at Lucy who waves at you, so you wave back.

"Ring me when you land" she shouts towards you.

"Will do" you shout back, making a few people around you jump. "Sorry" you mutter nervously, trying not to laugh as you make your way onto the plane.

As soon as you find your seat, you take your iPod and headphones out of your bag before placing it in the luggage holder overhead. Sitting down you tighten up your belt. You hated flying, it scared you so much.
But it was worth it; to see josh.

Beside you there is a man in his early forties, along with a small child to his left, on the seat next to the isle. You smile friendly at the man who returns your smile.

"He-llo" you hear a small a voice say, and you glance down at her. She had curly blonde hair that was shoulder length, and chubby cheeks; she had to be around the age of five.

"Hi, I'm Livia" you smile down at her warmly, "what's your name?"

"I'm Lucy" she replies making you giggle slightly.

"I have a best friend called Lucy" you say, causing the little girl to grin back, "it's a very pretty name"

"Thank you" she laughs. She takes her colouring book out of her dads bag and begins colouring in. She was just adorable.

After all the safety checks the plane soon takes off, making you grip the seat tightly. You look out the window as the clouds engulf the plane, so much for looking at the view.

You put in your headphones and press shuffle. You feel your eyes begin to droop as the plane glides along.

I've been lookin' at my shoes for too long
And although I've been acting like there's nothing wrong
If I keep on smiling, do you think that they'll know
What's under the skin and what hides in my bones
Cause the skin that I live in, well it don't feel like mine
And my heart yeah is skipping as it moves out of time
And oh does your mother, still know my face
Well run tell your father, thank god I found grace

Gradually your eyes become heavier and heavier. You rest your head against the cool window surface, snuggling into Josh's hoodie that you were wearing. The thought of being able to hug him in a few hours helps you easily drift off.

I've been trying to cope, but the pieces don't go
Winters been cold, I can feel in my bones
They fall, I know, well I smile when the leaves start to grow
Cause the skin that I live in, well it don't feel like mine
And my heart yeah is skipping as it moves out of time
And oh does your mother, still know my face
Well run tell your father, thank god I found grace
Well you talk down like you know what I mean
But the words don't mean anything no more
It's been five years since I've heard that name
And the dreams just don't make sense no more
Well you talk down like you know what I mean
But the words don't mean anything no more
It's been five years since I've heard that name
And the dreams just don't make sense no more
Cause the skin that I live in, well it don't feel like mine
And my heart yeah is skipping as it moves out of time
And oh does your mother, still know my face
Well run tell your father, thank god I found grace
I found grace, thank god I found grace

The plane shudders with force waking you up. It was quite dark, must be well into the night... but... but something was wrong. You could feel it!

The plane shudders again making you jump up bolt upright in your seat.

Looking around you see a few cabin people pacing around the room, whispering information to passengers. What was going on?

The plane shudders violently, and so you grip the seat tightly. You look out the window only to see clouds.. Wait.. those weren't clouds. That was smoke.

Your breathe quickens drastically and you can almost feel your heart beating out of your chest, but not in a good way like it did with Josh.

A few people scream as another large shudder from the plane take its tow.
Air hostess' quicken up there pace as they try to wake everyone on the plane up.
You can hear cries from children, some from being woken up, others from realising something was wrong by the worry on there parents faces.

Looking next to you, you notice that the man from earlier was no longer there, leaving Lucy alone. Peacefully sleeping, colour book in hand, unaware of the chaos unfolding around her.

You can hear one of the crew members talking on a speaker, something about to stay calm and an immediate landing was to take place.

After that everything seems to slow down, voices become muffled.

You were crash landing, no point in sugar coating it, you were crash landing! What about your family? Friends? Lucy, Jen, Sam... What about Josh?

Loud screams break away your thoughts as the plane drops suddenly.
Masks drop from above making you jump back. Hostess' become more frantic as they run around helping people sort there masks out. Following orders you quickly strap it around the back of your head, slowly breathing in and out.

You spot Lucy's dad helping members of the crew. You look from him to Lucy.

You unfasten your seatbelt and lean over to Lucy, shaking her awake.

"Liv- Livia? What's going on? Where's my dad?" She says frantically sitting up in her seat.

"Lucy? Lucy put your mask on now!" You hear her dad shout from the front of the cabin.

"Lucy you need to listen to your dad."

"Where is he?"

"He's just helping some other people put these yellow masks on." You say trying your best to reassure her, pointing to your mask "you need to put one on too"

"I- I can't" she says as she tries to pull the mask down to her head. You try to reach over towards her mask to pull it down, but you can't reach it.

"Miss you need to sit down!" You hear someone shout at you as you stand up, trying to pull Lucy's mask down. It won't budge. You step into the isle, banging the side of the cabinet trying to make the mask fall down.

"Miss you need to back down right now!" Someone shouts again.


Lucy begins to cry as you struggle with her mask. "Hey hey, sshhh" you try to comfort her, "don't worry, everything's going to be fine"

"Miss sit down immediately"

"I'm trying to help her"

"No, miss sit down now!"

No. With one final pull the mask falls free, and down to Lucy's level. You quickly help her strap it around her head. It seems to calm her down slightly.

The plane drops again causing you to trip, holding onto the seat for support.

"LIVIA!" You hear Lucy shout, muffled because of the mask.


Something heavy lands on top of you. You fall. A large echoing sounds in your head as you hit the ground. As you lay there. Something warm and wet plastering your cheek. Josh's sweater tucked under your chin. The smell of his cologne, along with the scent of something else surrounding you.
All you knew was that your head hurt, as darkness began to take over your vision.

Then that was it.




Please don't hate me!! This is the final chapter of this book, BUT either go to
my profile or search "Not so perfect but is love enough?" and add it to your reading lists.


This is the follow up of the "The Perfect Dream (A Josh Hutcherson love story)" and I would really appreciate it if you carried on with this series. I have a great story line planned, along with longer (and what I believe are better) chapters.

When I first started this story I didn't put much effort into the writing and description, as I posted it as a twit longer via twitter. I then moved it to wattpad where I tried to put more effort into the story, so I apologize for the bad quality at the beginning.

Last but not least I want to say a massive thank you if you are actually reading this, it means that you stuck with the crap chapters at the beginning.

2OK+ is absolutely incredible for someone like me. I never expected any of this to happen and its down to you guys so thank you!!

Love you all :) xxx

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