Part 37 ~

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Sorry for the poo chapter, it's long (woop) but kind of a filler. Anyway hope you enjoy!!

"Oh, erm.. Hey Dad" you say, looking at your father who is coldly glaring at Josh. Oh god, this is so awkward!!

"Livia, who Is this?" He asks, frowning at you for a second before turning his gaze back to Josh.

"Hello sir, I'm Josh" Josh says timidly, holding a hand out for him to shake. Your dad just stares at his hand.

"Oh, hi honey!" your mum says, hurrying into the hallway from the kitchen, thankfully breaking away your dads glare. She rushes over giving you a hug, "And you must be Josh, oh its so great to finally meet you" she says, also pulling Josh into a hug.

You glance at Josh, who looks slightly more relieved that he's been accepted by at least one of your parents.

"Well, what are we doing standing the hallway, come sit down I'll pop the kettle on" she says clapping her hands together before hurrying off into the kitchen. Slipping your hand back into Josh's you squeeze it reassuringly.

"Don't worry, they'll love you" but he doesn't look convinced, "Just bring up a conversation about how you hate postal services with my dad and you'll be fine"

Josh looks at you questioningly, "just do it" you say, elbowing his side laughing. "trust me"

"So, Josh! Have any hobbies other than breaking my only daughters heart!" Your dad says sceptically as you enter the living room and you glare at him.


"Oi! Be nice!!" Your mum says flicking your fathers head as she comes into the living room, holding a tray of tea and plate of cookies.

"Yes sir, erm, well I quite enjoy the outdoors type. Hiking, mountain biking, so on so forth." he says timidly.

"ok." Your dads says like he's not really interested, "Have any dislikes?"

You nudge Josh in the ribs, as if reminding him of your previous conversation, which he then picks up on. "Yes actually, I quite dislike postal services, I'm mean.. what's that about!"

You look around the room, Josh had a worried expression on his face waiting for your dads response, where as you and your mum are trying to hold back laughter.

Your dad jumps from the sofa, a smile plastered on his face as he walks over towards you and Josh, enveloping you both in a hug.

"Well done Liv! He's a keeper" he says, slapping Josh on the back.

The look on Josh's face was priceless; never was he expecting that.

Your dad had always hated postal services, complaining every time he had to post a letter, something about slow services... You knew that would work.

After that you went and helped your mum cook dinner, while your father and josh were in what seemed to be a very serious debate on postal services. Poor josh...

Overall you were so happy your parents were back, after ten minutes of pure awkwardness they were getting along with josh like a house on fire! Your dad was still quite protective of you but at least now he and josh had a topic to talk about that didn't include the words "my only daughter".

"Well it really has been a great night but I have to get back to my hotel" josh said, standing up from the table. You had finished eating about an hour ago and were sat around talking.

"Oh, that's a shame josh," Your mum says also getting up, "feel free to pop around anytime!"

"Thank you, it was a beautiful meal as well" josh added. Man he's a suck up!

You stand up from the table to walk josh to the door but your dad holds him back. "Is it alright if I have a quick word with josh, it will only take a second"

"Erm, ok.." You give josh a worried expression before walking out of the room. You wonder what they're talking about. What if he kills josh. Oh god that was his plan all along. Maybe you should of stayed in there. Oh crap. Your father is going to be responsible for josh Hutcherson's death!!

Two minutes later the door swings back open, and josh walks out closely followed by your dad. Right no scratches, bleeding, bruises.. Phew it's ok.

"Right, it was good meeting you josh. Take care"

"You too sir, have a good evening" josh says as your dad walks into the living room. You quickly walk over to the front door, holding it open for josh then shutting it behind you.

"What was that about?" You ask as soon as your outside.

"What?" Josh asks bewildered.

"What did my dad say to you?"

"Oh it was nothing" you give him a questioning look but he just smirks, "honestly. It was really great meeting your parents liv, they're amazing people! You take just after them."

You smile looking at the ground, as a blush creeps its way onto your cheeks at the compliment.

"Thank you"

"I just hope some day you could meet mine, and my brother.. Although he probably won't stop harassing us"

You giggle, "I'd love too"

Josh's smile becomes even wider as you say this, why was he so darn cute?!

"Anyway, Livia, I was wondering." Josh says, rubbing his hands together nervously, "could I take you out tomorrow night.. On a date"

That's when you realised between all the fighting, tears, and confused emotions on your relationship, you and josh had never been out on a date!

"That would be great!"

"Ok" josh says obviously relieved, "I'll see you tomorrow, I'll pick you up at six" he says taking both your hands in his. Slowly he gives you a kiss on the cheek. The butterflies in your stomach seemed to be on one hell of a roller coaster right now!

"Goodnight beautiful"

"Gods night josh"

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