Part 6 ~

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You immediatley pick up the phone and hold it to your ear. "Hel..hello" you say but it doesn't sound like your voice. 

"Urmm, hi. Who is this?" you hear Josh reply. 

"(Yourname)" you say back. 

"Oh, few, thanks. I thought for a second i had wrote your number down wrong, it didn't sound like you." he replies in a brisk cheery voice. 

"No. Sorry about that, i had a croak in my voice, i've just woken up." you say slightly embarressed. 

You can hear him chuckerling on the other end of the line. "Same really" he replies truthly. "I was worried that you would have to be the one to call me, and maybe you didn't want to. Then i would never of got the chance to see you or even speak to you again" he says and this time its his turn to be embarressed. You can practically feel the heat from him coming through your phone as he waits for your reply.  

"Awww.." you can't help but say. "No, if someone gave me there number and i gave them mine in return then i would deffinitely call them" you say. 

"Thats good, thats really good.." he replies and you smile as you can tell that he was happy with your response. A little giggle escapes your lips.  

"Oh and i like your contact name that you put in by the way; 'Josh is a sexy beast'" you add. 

You can hear him laughing again. "Oh yeah, thanks. I almost forgot about that. But it is the truth!" he replies. 

You giggle again, "yeah, i agree!" 

He laughs again before saying "I'm glad" and all you can do for a response is laugh as your cheeks are blushing violently. Thank god he's not here to see that. 

"Anyway.." he carries on, "I was ringing up to see if you were available today?" 

"Yeah of course!" you blurt about before you can stop yourself and he laughs again. Thats all he ever does. 

"Thats really great. Urmmm, well i have to do a signing in town with other members of the cast. Is it alright if i meet you there?" 

You reply "yes" and he then gives you the adress and the time. 

"Ok. I'll see you at 12 then" he says. 

Ok then.." 

"I'm looking forward to it already. Bye (Yourname)!" 

"Bye Josh" you reply and then hang up the phone. At that moment Lucy walks through the doors, sees the smile on your face and rushes over to you. She can read you like a book. 

"Spill!!" she says and you fill her in on every detail, including the time and place your meeting. 

"Wait! 12?" she asks. 

"Yeah, why?" you reply smiling. 

"(Yourname) its half 11 and it takes 20 minutes to get there!" 

Shit!! Note to self.. you really need to buy a watch. You rush around the room getting ready and then finally jump into a taxi at quarter to 12.  

As the taxi pulls over you begin to get nervous. You pay the driver and then get out of the car. There is a massive que outside the shop where the cast signing is, and security guards are standing at the entrance. You look at Lucy and you share the same thought.  

'It will take forever just to get through the front doors!!' Josh might end up thinking that your not even coming. Its already almost 10 past 12. 

However at that moment in time two security guards come over to you, one holding a clipboard firmly in his hands.  

"(Yourname)?" the other asks, "and this must be your friend Lucy if i'm not mistaken?" he continues and you nod your head. "Yes, Josh informed me you were coming and gave me a photo so i would be certain that it was you.." Where did Josh get your photo from? "Well, could you please put these on.." he says passing you both VIP security passes that you put around your neck, "and like to follow me." he says and heads off in the direction of the entrance, leaving you to follow him with Lucy at your side. 

You pass whats probably more than an hours que until you can see the celebrities sat down together on a long table, signing autographs and talking to their fans. You look down the table and see Willow shields, Liam Hemsworth, and a couple of others. You then spot Josh sat next to Jennifer Lawrence. He is talking to a fan, and when they move on to the next member of the cast you see the smile on Josh's face dissappear, replaced by a worried look as he quickly scans the room. He looks up in your direction and his eyes find yours. He lingers for a moment, his eyes lost just as much as you are in his, and then a huge smile lights up his face.

Hope you liked it. Love to hear some feedback from you all! Hit the vote button and don't be affraid to comment!! :D x

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