Part 21 ~

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Aren't you lucky, double upload ;)


"Come on Lucy, time to get up" your whisper, shaking Lucy slightly. She grunts in response.

You weren't surprised, you had gotten back really late last night. It had been amazing though! You had circledthe London eye at least ten times, each time just as magical as the other. When it was getting to late to stay, josh had driven you and Lucy back home, said good night really quickly and left again. It was really strange, it was like he didn't even want to be around you anymore!

You quickly brush through your hair, tying it up into a high messy bun, before putting your hairbrush in your carrier bag.

"That's it! Packed and ready to go, come on Lucy!" You say, watching her slowly fall out of the bed, thank god she had packed yesterday morning, otherwise you would of never made it to your train!!

As soon as Lucy is ready you head down the stairs, grabbing a bite to eat from the restaurant before going to the reception to give back your room keys.

You then ring a taxi to take you to the train station. Once it arrives you put your suitcases in the back before climbing in.

"So.." Lucy says, starting up conversation, "what's happening with you and josh?"

"What do you mean?" You ask back.

"Don't give me that you know what I mean!" She says, "what exactly is your relationship status?"

"We're just friends" you try to tell but she just roles her eyes. "Seriously we are! Nothing has or ever will happen between josh and I like that, he doesn't like me like that and I don't either!" You say getting annoyed.

"Are you stupid?!" She asks laughing, "of course he likes you!! He was gutted yesterday when the rest of us were there too. He organized the whole day for you!!" She says.

"Rain check he doesn't like me. Yesterday when he dropped us off, he left so quickly I didn't even have a chance to say goodbye to him properly. It's like he didn't even want to be around me."

Lucy looks to the ground for a while, like she's deciding what to say next.

"Your here! Kings cross station" the taxi driver interrupts.

"OK, thank you" you say, giving him some money before undoing your seat belt and opening the door to get out of the car.

"You shouldn't make judgements to quickly" you hear Lucy say before she gets out of the car. What? You weren't making any judgements! If anything you were being truthful!

You climb out the car and take out your suit case, before walking into the train station. You look around, trying to find a small shop to buy some food for the journey.

"Over there!" Lucy says, pointing in a direction. You follow here gaze but something else immediately catches your eye, making your breathe hitch.




OK guys, so i would first of all like to say thank you all so much! i have almost reached 10k reads and i have no one to thank but you guys, i love each and everyone of you all so much!! :)X

Second thing, The person i dedicated my story to is super nice and messages me like almost every day! Wanted to say a big thank you! Also check out her stories!

OK, final thing... COMPETITION TIME!!!

Right, basically I'm sick of saying " Y/N " for the main character and i would like to give her a name. So i was thinking, why not let my amazing readers chose!;)

So, below please comment the name you would like the main character to be called, it could even be your name!! So yeah, shitty competition but i wanted to interact with you guys more! I will also mention the winner!!

If however, you would like the main character to remain nameless (therefore universal so open to a wide range (woo check out my English;)) then please say so because which ever gets most voted i will pick!:) 

Comment as much as you want with the names you want!!

SPREAD THE WORD :D Love you all!! :)xx

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